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Is the duopoly of Android and iOS under threat for the first time? Here are the first signs

Is the duopoly of Android and iOS under threat for the first time? Here are the first signs
Is the duopoly of Android and iOS under threat for the first time? Here are the first signs

A year ago, no one believed that a new operating system could position itself as an alternative to Android or iOS, having a significant market share. And this is normal since until now, all attempts to compete with Google and Apple OS have ended in failure. BlackBerry tried to modernize its proprietary operating system, eventually adopting Android, before completely abandoning smartphones.

Microsoft, despite the large investments it made to develop and promote Windows Mobile, ended up abandoning this operating system. Even Samsung, which is the leader in smartphones, has not managed to impose the smartphone version of its Tizen OS as an alternative to Android. Other alternative operating systems that failed include Firefox OS, developed by Mozilla, and aimed at affordable devices.

But, in 2024, one brand may be poised to succeed where all these companies have failed: Huawei. Following American sanctions, the Chinese manufacturer was no longer able to use Google services. However, it can still use the open source version of Android. And, at the same time, it has developed its own operating system called Harmony OS. Launched 4 years ago, it would be making a breakthrough in 2024.

Huawei has been using its Harmony OS operating system for four years. However, the Chinese brand’s market shares have plunged due to US sanctions, even in its domestic market. Indeed, these sanctions have prevented American companies, as well as companies from other countries that depend on American technologies, from supplying 5G chips to Huawei. So, while this revolution was coming to its competitors, Huawei was forced to just sell 4G devices.

Why is Harmony OS a hit now?

But recently, an important development changed the situation for Huawei: it managed to procure 5G chips for smartphones, despite US sanctions, which still apply. And the reaction of the Chinese market was very rapid. According to IDC data, Huawei’s market share in China in the first quarter of 2023 was 8.6%. In the first quarter of 2024, this market share increased to 17%. And year-over-year, the manufacturer’s shipments increased by 110%. Furthermore, Huawei, according to IDC, was number 2 in the Chinese market in the first quarter. It is placed behind Honor (a former sub-brand of Huawei).

Obviously, the sharp increase in Huawei’s shipments has a mechanical effect on the market share of its operating system. And this was recently highlighted by a publication from the company Counterpoint Research. According to this publication, Harmony OS now has a global market share of 4%. “The operating system overtook iOS in China for the first time as customers in the country lined up to buy Huawei’s flagship offerings”, adds the company. Additionally, Counterpoint predicts that Huawei’s market share, and therefore its operating system, will continue to increase as the company improves its supply chain.

A more marked divide with Android

At launch, although it was presented as a different operating system from Android, Harmony OS is more or less tied to Google’s operating system. For example, it is fully capable of running applications designed for Android. However, Huawei is gradually distancing itself from the Android ecosystem. A new version of the operating system, called Harmony OS NEXT, removes the elements of Android that are still present in it. And according to the latest rumors, Harmony OS NEXT could be launched this year, on the manufacturer’s next flagship: the Mate 70.

And that’s not all, since Huawei would now also be confident enough to consider monetizing its operating system. According to a recent Bloomberg article, the manufacturer is considering doing like Apple and Google: charging a commission on purchases in applications that are made on its platform. However, Huawei would provide a lower commission than those charged by the App Store and the Play Store.

Can Harmony OS become the third operating system?

Given the geopolitical tensions and the limitations that Huawei still faces due to American sanctions, it has little chance of returning to its former success in Europe and North America. However, if its market share continues to increase in China, Huawei could have a significant market share. On the other hand, it is always possible that Huawei will later consider expansion into countries that are less hostile to it.

  • In order to no longer depend on Android, Huawei has developed its own operating system: Harmony OS
  • Thanks to Huawei’s comeback in China, the market share of this operating system has increased very quickly
  • In the first quarter, Harmony OS’s market share in China would have been higher than that of iOS
  • And globally, Harmony OS reportedly captured 4% of the smartphone market in the first quarter



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