In the news: what is happening in Burkina Faso?

In the news: what is happening in Burkina Faso?
In the news: what is happening in Burkina Faso?

Burkina Faso has been plunged into confusion since last Wednesday, see the site, following explosions heard near the presidency in Ouagadougou. These detonations, initially perceived as a possible attempt at destabilization, left the Burkinabe population in anguish and uncertainty regarding the safety of Captain Ibrahim Traoré. After two days of silence and speculation, he made his first public appearance last Friday. National television broadcast footage of the president participating in a blood drive, a way to show that he was healthy and still in charge. (…) This Sunday, on the occasion of the Tabaski festival, Captain Traoré reappeared in a more visible way. However, this appearance did not completely dispel doubts and rumors, raises again (…) The Burkinabè are still waiting for more detailed explanations to understand what really happened and to regain full confidence in the stability of their country. »

A rebellion within the army?

The World Africa also asks: “ Is Captain Ibrahim Traoré’s regime faltering? Since the explosion of a rocket last Wednesday near the presidency (…), rumors of a growing protest within the army against the transitional president have persisted. In recent days, the junta’s communications teams have worked to minimize this explosion, immediately described as a simple “shooting incident” by national television.. »

Nevertheless “for 48 hours, underlines Le Monde Afrique, Captain Traoré did not appear in public, fueling rumors about his possible exfiltration from the capital following an attempted putsch. One of the hypotheses was that he took refuge in the Loumbila camp, about twenty kilometers from Ouagadougou, where Wagner’s Russian paramilitaries were based. Two days later, last Friday, he appeared serene and smiling in a video broadcast on national television. We see the head of the junta donating blood in premises presented as those of the presidential palace, on the occasion of World Blood Donor Day. But, on social networks, Internet users doubt the authenticity of these images. ” And ” several West African and European security sources working in Burkina Faso confirmed to Monde Afrique the existence of a growing revolt within the army against Captain Traoré. A discontent which was affirmed following the jihadist attack perpetrated on June 11 against the military camp of Mansila, in the north-east of the country. »

The worst attack ever suffered by the Burkinabè army?

Young Africa provides details on this attack: “ according to consistent sources, the attack on the military detachment of this small town in the north-east of the country cost the lives of around a hundred soldiers. affirms the pan-African site. “If these figures were to be confirmed, this would make it the worst attack ever suffered by the Burkinabè army since the start of the war against jihadist groups, even deadlier than that of Inata, which cost the lives of 53 gendarmes on November 14, 2021. (…) The authorities have still not communicated or provided an official report. (…) In Ouagadougou, this deadly attack in Mansila aroused concerns and tensions within the general staff, also points Young Africa. Some even see a link with the “incident” to the rocket, last Wednesday, to the presidency, then the much-commented absence of Ibrahim Traoré during the two days that followed. »

Rumors, fabrications, disinformation?

In the Burkinabe press there reigns a cautious silence… With the exception of the daily newspapers Today who denounces what he considers to be rumors… “ Tirs-Tabaski-frenzy and disinformation: IB is there, no offense to the Cassandres! », headlines the newspaper. “ A shooting incident that has become commonplace in this war context is over-interpreted with worst-case scenarios and nightmarish results. Authority is given in flight and reappears in the model of the good Samaritan, offering his blood, the symbol of life. Then, 4 days later, the same authority, in this case the head of state, appears in a place of prayer in a neighborhood that can be identified. »

So, “we can always epilogue, exclaims again Today, especially in Burkina these days, but somewhere there seems to be a frenzy to keep the Burkinabè in suspense on this subject of (dis)information (…)! Rumors, fabrications and realities coexist! Maybe it’s time to put the ball down, concludes the Ouagalais daily, and to bring the church or mosque back to the center of the village: finally joining hands to fight against the terrorist hydra which is an implacable reality. »



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