Saint-André-de-Roquelongue: the Olympique, football in Corbières

Saint-André-de-Roquelongue: the Olympique, football in Corbières
Saint-André-de-Roquelongue: the Olympique, football in Corbières

Since its creation in 2017, Olympique des Corbières has experienced some rebounds following the football. Nevertheless, the desire is still there to defend this sport in the land of ovals.

From the start, the young football club had to face problems. The first year will have seen the approval of the municipal stadium involving adjustments to be made in order to host official competitions. A challenge met thanks to the municipality, which then gave the green light to share the traditional lawn of the rugby club, not without a condition from the council reiterated by mayor Jean-Michel Folch at the last general assembly, namely no football school, which could overshadow the recruitment of young people for rugby. “We protect a cultural identity” he assumes. A decision, which overshadows the ambitions of the Olympique, which has always wanted and would like in the long term to develop youth training: “We have a lot of requests, including from women, and we would like to create a small mixed team for 6-9 year olds,” explain its managers*. But for the moment, this question is not on the agenda, since the club is reclassifying its bases, after a year of agreement with the neighboring club of Durban: “We had made an agreement to develop football in Corbières. Following this year, everyone picked up their marbles and we started again from zero. We were in D3 and we finished 10th out of 12, below our objectives. Like Durban was the support club, we are back on our side in D4, but this will have allowed us to meet other players”. The office reaffirmed the original will of the sports association: “Create a serious family club, which wants to progress with a united team coming together for the pleasure of playing. Everything is possible if we build a good core and healthy foundations. We are lucky to have a beautiful pitch and infrastructure , we just need a club house”. Appeal launched to the mayor with humor, like a group where a good atmosphere seems to reign. For next season, the club will be able to count on assistant coach, Kevin Serres: “I will be part of the staff”, he says. As for the players, the new president and former captain of the team, Tiago Morais is confident: “Last year in the agreement, we had around ten players from the OCSA. We will resume alongside a small group of former players, who had stopped and who are starting again to restart the machine, as well as young players Besides, we would like to have more young people and train them with the old ones to build something and best establish football in rugby land..

*Tiago Morais (president), Alexandre Julian (vice-president, co-founder of the club with Thomas Capocci), Cédric Boubout (treasurer), Nicolas Favri (secretary). To contact the club (players, volunteers, sponsors, etc.): 07 87 66 84 06 (T. Morais) and 06 38 99 96 15 (A. Julian) and on [email protected] and Facebook page.


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