When Trump visits a black church in Detroit

If polls are to be trusted, Donald Trump could eat away at Joe Biden’s support among African-American voters next November. Such gains could be crucial in some key states, including Michigan, where the former president visited on Saturday. But his visit to a black church in Detroit was not the success that his campaign team and allies, including Kellyanne Conway, who estimated the number of people the former president attended at 8,000. is addressed, a blatant lie.

But this is not the only misinformation disseminated by the Trump camp about this activity. The fact is that the majority of black people in the church surrounded the presidential candidate on stage, while the church pews were mostly occupied by white supporters of Donald Trump, when they were not empty.

“Of the eight black Trump voters I spoke to, only one was from Detroit and none were members of the church,” said the Detroit journalist who took the photo that tops this post.

PS: The first day of the second fundraising campaign for this blog in 2024 is coming to an end. A big thank you to everyone who has already contributed as well as to others who will do so now!

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