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what is the search engine worth compared to Google and ChatGPT?

what is the search engine worth compared to Google and ChatGPT?
what is the search engine worth compared to Google and ChatGPT?

If Google has an economic model largely centered around targeted advertising, Perplexity, like ChatGPT, is financed not only through fundraising but also by setting up a subscription. Like any new company, the objective for Perplexity is therefore to rely solely on this model to become a stable and profitable company.

Billed at 20 dollars per month or 200 euros per year, Perplexity Pro includes 4 pillars promising a richer experience:

– ProSearch
For a given query, the aim is to obtain richer results, but above all more personalized according to your affinities. Searches carried out algorithmically would thus be more thorough while the results take into account the user’s preferences, for example by highlighting certain sources of information. As an example, Perplexity illustrates a Pro search with a summary of current events in the United States based on more than twenty information sources.

– Unlimited file sending
It is possible to ask Perplexity to process a file. To summarize a report, translate a file or even analyze an image. The document sent to the servers will then be processed via the Claude 3 and GPT-4o models. It is also possible to upload an image. Of course, this is a feature that should be used wisely. Since the data is processed by third-party services, it is better to avoid loading files of a private and confidential nature.

– Latest generation AI models
In order to obtain richer answers taking into account more context, the paid version of Perplexity uses the GPT-4, Claude 3, Mistral Large, Meta Llama 3 models as well as the Experimental model of Perplexity.

– $5 credits for text generation
The €20/month package includes credits for text generation. This corresponds to 1000 monthly requests according to the service prices.



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