“Against fascism, there is no other vaccine than the past”: Marseillais demonstrate in support of Gaza

“Against fascism, there is no other vaccine than the past”: Marseillais demonstrate in support of Gaza
“Against fascism, there is no other vaccine than the past”: Marseillais demonstrate in support of Gaza

Every time Fadela El Miri, pillar of the Urgence Palestine Marseille movement, has low morale, two things get her moving again: “Talk for five minutes with people over there, in Gaza, because they are the ones who have the real courage. And see the way in which the youth here have taken up the Palestinian cause. They lead us along“, greets the activist, mobilized in the street every weekend for eight months.

Coming from Aix and Éguilles, Camelia, 18 years old, and Sarah-Mel, 19 years old, are precisely part of this generation for whom the war in Gaza constitutes the starting point of a commitment. “We want to defend children, peace“, explain the teenagers. Others surround the LFI deputy Sébastien Delogu, who had brandished the Palestinian flag in the middle of the National Assembly and received exclusion for this.

Fear of the far right

For a week, Fadela El Miri has seen among the activists “the fear that the extreme right which is plaguing Israel will come to power in France. Against this, we must call on everyone to vote.

Professor of human sciences at the university, Abdel repeats it: “It’s a terrible trap that the RN is setting for us. In this country, the first target of the extreme right was the Jews, not the Arabs!“In his eyes, if the”scapegoat“of the RN has changed, its”project” remains the same : “Divide us by sowing hatred. Its enemy is the Republic which brings together and unites.



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