on TikTok, these young people who film themselves at the time of their admission results

Lucie Coudurier-Curveur during the results of Parcoursup, the higher education admissions platform, on May 30, 2024. TIKTOK LUCIIE.PHOTOGRAPHER @LUCIIE.PHOTOGRAPHER

The phone camera turns on. Lucie Coudurier-Curveur, 18 years old, takes the time to put his cell phone down, his hand trembling. Sitting on the sofa in the family home, she puts her head in her hands. “I hope I won’t be refused,” she slips to the attention of her mother and her sister. In a few seconds, on May 30, she will know her results on Parcoursup, the higher education guidance platform.

His face closes. The site shows that she has no admission offers. Eyes glued to the computer screen, she drags her mouse cursor to her wishes on the waiting list and then finally discovers them. Lucie jumps, her phone drops and we then hear the clamors of her entire family. The next second, the phone is straight again, Lucie is in her mother’s arms. She is 10e on the BTS photography waiting list that she covets.

Sunday June 9 in the morning, she received the good news: she will indeed be a BTS Photography student at the start of the next school year after an update of the waiting list. The video of his joy posted on the social network Tiktok has gathered more than 600,000 views. “I received a lot of congratulatory messages, others telling me that they didn’t have the choice they wanted. I couldn’t answer everyone, explains the young woman.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Parcoursup 2024: everything you need to know about the results

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After the results of Parcoursup on May 30, those of My master’s on June 4 then those of the recruitment competition for school teachers in the process, numerous videos of young people discovering their results, sometimes overjoyed, sometimes sad, flooded the social networks. Some videos have accumulated millions of views and thousands of reactions. “I had already filmed myself for the results of my certificate, then for my French baccalaureate. It seemed logical to me to continue for Parcoursup”, indicates Lucie, who has already planned to do the same thing for the baccalaureate results on July 8.

A trend from the United States

It is on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean that this trend was born. In recent years, American high school students have gotten into the habit of filming themselves during the famous “Ivy League Day” where admissions to the most prestigious private universities in the country are revealed. On Tiktok, the hashtags relating to these videos garner tens of millions of views. “ Filming yourself at important moments, without necessarily broadcasting it afterwards, is becoming a habit in the digital age”analyzes Claire Balleys, sociologist at the University of Geneva, specialist in youth and digital practices.

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