Nice: a septuagenarian hit by a cyclist who was participating in the Ironman race

Nice: a septuagenarian hit by a cyclist who was participating in the Ironman race
Nice: a septuagenarian hit by a cyclist who was participating in the Ironman race

A septuagenarian was hit by a bicycle during the Ironman race in Nice (Alpes-Maritimes) this Sunday, said BFM Nice Côte d’Azur emergency services.

The accident occurred at Nice airport, a section that is nevertheless marked, according to Nice-Matin. The organization of the race explains that the septuagenarian “crossed the road despite contrary instructions given by the safety teams, which caused a serious collision with an amateur athlete participating in the race,” reports Nice-Matin.

Transferred to hospital

Still according to the press release consulted by our colleagues from the local press, “the athlete as well as the pedestrian received medical care very quickly on site, before being transferred to the hospital, where they are still being treated and medical care. An investigation is underway to determine the circumstances of this accident, adds the same source.

A 24-year-old man also suffered a cardiac arrest on Sunday morning during the same race, according to information from our colleagues at BFM Nice Côte d’Azur.

In total, nearly 4,400 athletes from all over the world gathered in the City of Angels this Sunday. On the program: swimming, cycling and running events for this major competition.



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