The Open Vld can resume “if it follows the MR line”, according to Bouchez

The Open Vld can resume “if it follows the MR line”, according to Bouchez
The Open Vld can resume “if it follows the MR line”, according to Bouchez

The president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez hopes that his sister party in Flanders, the Open Vld, will regain color, but, to do this, the party must follow the path taken by the MR, he indicated Sunday on the VTM plateau. “If Open Vld had followed the line of (former president) Egbert Lachaert, it would be the third party in Flanders.”

For the French-speaking liberal, Open Vld was on the left culturally and on the right economically. “But, in Flanders, there is no place for a left-wing liberal party,” according to Mr. Bouchez, who therefore pleads for a positioning on the right, both economically and culturally. In his eyes, however, Alexander De Croo made no mistake. “He played his role as prime minister well. He had to compromise with seven parties.”

The MR and Les Engagés created a surprise and won the electoral battle hands down

The president of the MR also reacted to the statements of his Vooruit counterpart Melissa Depraetere. She described him as “absolutely unreliable”. According to Le Montois, Vooruit has difficulty accepting the victory of the right in the elections. “If Vooruit wants to block everything, he must explain it to the voter. Does he want the PS to be involved?” he wondered. The liberal recalled that the French-speaking socialists chose the opposition. Vooruit’s statements are therefore an “agitation” for him.

Georges-Louis Bouchez also attacked Conner Rousseau, who said the federal government’s participation would be difficult for Vooruit. “He’s not even president yet and he’s already making comments,” he said.



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