an industrial building destroyed by flames, wooden pallets and several vehicles burned

an industrial building destroyed by flames, wooden pallets and several vehicles burned
an industrial building destroyed by flames, wooden pallets and several vehicles burned

A fire broke out in a warehouse of the Dufieux establishments, a company specializing in transport, on Sunday morning around 8 a.m.,…

A fire broke out in a warehouse of the Dufieux establishments, a company specializing in transport, on Sunday morning around 8 a.m., in Casteljaloux. A 5,000 m² building was affected, its roof partially collapsed. Three tractor-trailers also died in the fire.

The fire started quickly because of the straw and wood present in the shed, indicated the mayor of the town Julie Castillo, who went to the site on Sunday morning. The fire then reached the surrounding vegetation.

Fortunately, forty firefighters from the Casteljaloux and Marmandais barracks managed, using three hoses, to prevent the flames from spreading significantly: 3,200 m2 of the building were able to be preserved, limiting the number of vehicles (there were around fifty in total parked on site, Editor’s note) affected by the fire. A command post was set up in the Gamm Vert car park to coordinate emergency actions.

Technical unemployment

By mid-afternoon, the fire was under control. The firefighters, who planned to stay on site for part of the night, carried out extensive cleaning and clearing work in the afternoon, in order to prevent any new fires.

The Casteljaloux gendarmerie brigade has opened an investigation. According to the first testimonies collected, the origin of the fire could be criminal. One or more individuals entered through the rear of the damaged building.

Note that this fire forced around fifteen employees into technical unemployment.



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