Paris 2024 Olympics: tourist receptions in Dieppe hope to see more Parisians

Paris 2024 Olympics: tourist receptions in Dieppe hope to see more Parisians
Paris 2024 Olympics: tourist receptions in Dieppe hope to see more Parisians


Maxime Cartier

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 5:50 p.m.

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Hope. It’s a word that is well remembered when we talk about the potential massive arrival of Parisians for the coming summer season.

With the Olympic Games being held in Paris this summer, residents of the capital and Ile-de-France residents are invited to travel as little as possible in the city, or even to leave it temporarily.

Add to this an explosion in the price of transport, a strong recommendation from companies to encourage teleworking…

Obviously, some will want to go green and leave Paris in July and August.

And among the destinations, Dieppe (Seine-Maritime) could be favored, being the seaside city closest to the capital.

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What about it? Are accommodation bookings looking good? With less than a month before the Olympics, we asked hotels and tourist offices the question.

Secondary residents will be there

As for Dieppe Normandie Tourism, the director, Ludovic Cardona-Gil, is affirmative: “Parisians will clearly want to leave Paris. They will desert the capital and we hope to have a piece of the pie,” he said.

Usually, Ile-de-France residents represent around 30% of the attendance at the Dieppe tourist office.

At the moment, the director is sure of one thing: “Tourists who have a second home here will stay in the region longer.”

Several of them have already confided it to the employees of the office.

This observation is shared by Zoé Tirilly, communications manager at the Terroir-de-Caux tourist office:

“They ask us for information on summer activities,” she adds.

Apart from secondary residents, estimating the number of Parisian tourists remains quite vague for the two professionals.

“We can test it in real time with the Orange Flux vision application which allows us to know how many tourists there are,” reassures the Dieppe director.

For the moment, Zoé Tirilly indicates “that reservations are comparable to those of last year”.

If the tourist offices seem optimistic, in terms of accommodation structures, for the moment, there is no real impact on reservations, like the Mercure hotel in Dieppe.

Same observation for Isabelle Tayet, head of reception at the Hôtel de la Plage, who still hopes to see a few more Parisians.

Towards last minute reservations

For Christine Bert-Hevers, manager of the Aguado hotel, “the Olympics have rather a negative effect at first glance, because I have a drop in my reservations from foreign customers and groups. They are afraid of arriving in Paris, the price of transport is also a barrier,” she confides.

She still hopes to see Parisian customers come in July and for that, she hopes that the weather will be good.

Like Ascension weekend, many think that last minute reservations will be made.

“Foreigners who are going to the Olympic Games will go for a walk, and if the weather is nice, that will encourage them to come,” she continues.

As for Parisians, some could get tired of everyday life and pack their bags, heading to Dieppe for a few days.

Last minute reservations are also expected in Terroir-de-Caux. Moreover, a platform has been set up to facilitate tourist reservations.

A device to facilitate searches for vacationers

Since the beginning of May, the Terroir-de-Caux tourist office has set up a new system: a module on its website so that tourists know which accommodation is available or not on the dates they wish to come to the area. .
Accommodation structures will be able to synchronize their calendar if they are on platforms such as for example. This gives them additional visibility. As for tourists, they can better target their accommodation and availability.
Finally, for office agents, this prevents them from sometimes having last-minute visitors who are urgently looking for accommodation to stay in our region.

Finally, at the Vitamin’ campsite, in Saint-Aubin-sur-Scie, “no one is talking to us about the Olympics at the moment,” says the deputy director, Alexandra Lecourt. I don’t think this will impact us and we manage to fill our campsite every year, even without an event of this magnitude. Ultimately, we would have preferred that the Olympics took place in June or September, that would surely have had an impact with a longer season,” she concludes jokingly.

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