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[Dans vos commentaires] “Finally a beautiful spring day!” »
[Dans vos commentaires] “Finally a beautiful spring day!” »

What a week ! A political week like you rarely see in your life. Who could have imagined, just ten days ago, what is happening in the country? Certainly, Macronie’s electoral rout was predictable. But what’s next? Dissolution, Eric Ciotti’s rallying to the National Rally, Marion Maréchal’s call to support the right-wing coalition and, finally, all shame and hatred drunk, the reconstitution of the NUPES, pompously nicknamed “New Popular Front”. Faced with these events, which can be described as historic in our French political life, many of you reacted. With your comments this week, we could write a book but we will have to settle for a few lines!

“Delighted with the patriotic burst…”

Concerning this dissolution, both unexpected and undoubtedly expected by many, Bruno, commenting on the article by Georges Michel published during election night, believes that “ Macron will prefer to scuttle the country rather than declare himself defeated » and quotes the American writer Frank Herbert (1920-1986), author of science fiction novels: “ Being able to destroy something means controlling it absolutely. “. Seen like that, Macron did very well… And Agcha added: “ Organizing chaos a few days before the Olympics was the best way to put the country in danger. His way of taking revenge and showing his hatred towards France and the French “. Un Jour Ailleurs, reading Gabrielle Cluzel’s editorial on the evening of June 9, did not hide her joy: “ I am delighted with the patriotic surge of the 37-38% of French people who voted RN or Reconquest! “. Nevertheless, our reader remained cautious: “ I am wary of the “trap” of dissolution. We’re going to see some low-level polo. We are already seeing this with the calls for an anti-RN “front” “. Well seen ! A few days later, those on the left who hated each other, who were tearing each other apart over the Palestinian question or over Ukraine, signed a pact going from Poutou to François Hollande in which La France insoumise takes pride of place… Moreover, this return to strength of LFI with the long shadow of Mélenchon, does not reassure our readers. Like Cavok, commenting on Marc Baudriller’s article, still on the evening of the dissolution: “ LFI’s score of almost 10% worries me, because one would have thought that its behavior and its Islamo-leftism (or even anti-Semitism) would have put off a good part of the left which still has a minimum of resistance. “. And our reader asks: “ Does this score correspond to a massive arrival of Islamized suburbs in the voting booth, which would be a novelty and a worrying sign? » Son of Pépé le Moko, prefers to rejoice: “ Finally a beautiful spring day! » As for Marymary, she already saw further: “ Now the time for alliances with the right is inevitable for the country “. The events of the week (Ciotti’s rally, Marion Maréchal’s call to vote for the candidates of the right-wing coalition) proved him largely right.

“Thank you, Mr Ciotti”

This rallying of Eric Ciotti to the national camp, while the LR leaders lock themselves in the cordon santé, will have been a great event, awaited for years by many, if not by the majority of BV readers. Like Guy-Noël Albouy. “ Thank you, Mr Ciotti, for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves, we who have been gagged for so many years… » Domipa is not kind to the hierarchs of LR: “ The stupidest right in the world still has a few supporters who still believe they can call the shots. In reality, all these useless pachyderms have shown their incapacity but wish not to lose their advantages… » Anne Aurore Angélique comments on this decision by Ciotti in a laconic but also very political manner: “ You have to be lucid now “.

We must be lucid now, this is undoubtedly what the left and the far left said to each other during this crazy week in the face of the high probability that the RN will win on July 7. From Monday June 10, we understood, despite Glucksmann’s antics, that it would end like this: the left would unite. “ We would have bet it: no sanitary cordon for LFI, the united left is coming back! », exclaimed Gabrielle Cluzel in her editorial of Monday June 10. Enough to make 2312Alex react: “ These people are without shame, without scruples, to maintain their advantages. They are frankly pathetic. I am impatiently awaiting their disagreements, which should not take long before the second round. » However, let’s take the bet that they will close ranks, teeth and the rest to hold out until the evening of the second round… Eddy, commenting on the article by Clémence de Longraye, sees in this unnatural alliance, that ” foxes and chickens “. But in this sad fable, “ guess which ones the others will eat? », asks our reader. We have a little idea…

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