South Kivu/Monkeypox: already 10 deaths out of nearly 1000 cases recorded

South Kivu/Monkeypox: already 10 deaths out of nearly 1000 cases recorded
South Kivu/Monkeypox: already 10 deaths out of nearly 1000 cases recorded

The South Kivu provincial health division warns of the worrying situation of Monkey Pox disease in the province. According to Doctor Claude Bahizire, director of communications at the provincial health division of South Kivu, the province is approaching 1,000 cases, which raises fears of an overflow.

“The Monkey Pox situation in the South Kivu province continues to be complicated because to date, we are approaching 1000 cases. In one week, we recorded more than 100 cases. This worries everyone, especially us in the health division, because we risk being overwhelmed by this situation,” explains Doctor Claude Bahizire.

The provincial health department adds that there have already been recoveries and 10 deaths recorded. “Fortunately, we already have more than 700 cases of recovery, but unfortunately, with 10 deaths, including 2 more this week, the Monkey Pox situation still remains worrying,” notes Doctor Claude Bahizire.

He adds :

“The Kamituga health zone continues to record cases. Kamituga already has more than 500 cases of Monkey Pox, but other areas are also starting to be affected, such as the Nyangezi health zone, particularly in its Kamanyola part, and on the Uvira side. Nyangezi has exceeded a hundred cases, Uvira has many cases and currently, there are several cases also in the part of Fizi towards Misisi. »

Starting from Kamituga, the Monkey Pox reached 22 of the 34 health zones in the province of South Kivu. Health specialists call for strict compliance with hygiene measures to combat this disease.

Justin Mwamba



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