The poster of shame yesterday during the rally in Paris

The poster of shame yesterday during the rally in Paris
The poster of shame yesterday during the rally in Paris

Yesterday, during the demonstration against the arrival of Jordan Bardella to power, a poster sparked a lively controversy. Bearing the shocking message “A cop who dies is one less RN vote”, this sign was seen as an incitement to violence, even murder. Despite the seriousness of this message, none of the demonstrators seemed to be moved by it or ask the person carrying this poster to remove it.

The inaction in the face of this poster, although visible among the tens of thousands of people marching in the streets, raises questions about the tolerance of such messages in a context of protest.

A Large-Scale Event

In Paris, the procession left from Place de la République to join Nation. The organizers announce a participation of 250,000 people, while the police headquarters put forward the figure of 75,000 demonstrators. This Parisian parade is part of a broader national movement, with the CGT counting 640,000 demonstrators spread over 182 rallies across France.

Reactions and Consequences

The incriminated poster sparked a wave of indignation among observers and political leaders. Many people denounce this unacceptable attack on the police and call for strong condemnation of this type of comment.

Like many police officers and gendarmes, I am disgusted that hatred of cops is the program carried by an alliance called the Popular Front! This extreme left respects nothing. Neither the police officers who died for France, nor those who protect the French. Support for our guardian angels” declared Matthieu Valet.

Demonstration of the Popular Front, the message is clear for those who protect us, scandalous declared”Bruno Pomart.

There is the one who wrote and brought this sign inciting murder. And there are all those who found nothing to complain about and left it. Not to mention the destruction and attacks against the police and gendarmes of the day. As long as the criminals of the black bloc are not definitively expelled manu militari, you will remain extremely useful to all those you claim to fight” said Linda Kebbab.



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