Everything you need to know about Elisabeth, the future great queen of the Belgians

Everything you need to know about Elisabeth, the future great queen of the Belgians
Everything you need to know about Elisabeth, the future great queen of the Belgians

As a child, she learned the three languages ​​officially recognized in Belgium: French, Dutch and German. She started her studies at a Dutch-speaking school in Brussels, where she would complete her entire schooling. An unprecedented choice on the part of the royal family, which thus aimed to symbolize the unity of the country, often politically divided.


She was only 10 years old when she gave her first official speech, during a hospital visit in Ghent. “I am very happy to be able to give my name to this hospital,” said the little princess as she unveiled a commemorative plaque. Already a big girl!


His grandfather, Albert II, decided to abdicate, because of her advanced age and health, according to official reasons. But also because the end of her reign was marred by an affair of a hidden daughter. Elizabeth’s father, Philip, then became king, making her his direct heir. She was also titled Duchess of Brabant.

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She left Belgium for Wales, where she attended UWC Atlantic College, often nicknamed “the school of kings”. Leonor of Spain and Alexia of the Netherlands also studied there. Elisabeth graduated in 2020 with an International Baccalaureate.


His 18th birthday celebrations are broadcast live on Belgian television. In the throne room of the royal palace, the elite are gathered for this anniversary. Eighty young Belgians were also invited, all born in 2001 like Elisabeth: Walloons, Flemish, German-speaking, who embody the diversity of this kingdom over which she will one day reign. “Eighteen years… It’s a milestone that I’m passing with optimism. I know I still have so much to learn. This is what I want to focus on in the years to come […] The country can count on my commitment”assures Élisabeth in a striking speech.


She entered the Royal Military School, where Belgian officers have been trained since 1834. An unprecedented and personal choice for the princess who was then the first woman in the royal family to follow this path, normally reserved for men. Although a future sovereign, Elizabeth does not tolerate any preferential treatment, and like her comrades, trains in fatigues in the mud.


She began a course in History and Political Science at Lincoln College, University of Oxford, and returned to the United Kingdom.


It is increasingly present on the national but also international scene. She accompanied her father to the coronation reception of Charles III, attended the wedding of Prince Hussein of Jordan, was among the guests of 18 years of Prince Christian of Denmark. Alongside her mother, Queen Mathilde, she also makes a major official trip to Egypt.


The Palace announces that the princess will attend Harvard University in the United States in August to obtain a master’s degree in public policies. Certainly a last step before returning permanently to Belgium.



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