BFMTV SURVEY. 6 out of 10 French people think that Macron was right to dissolve the National Assembly

BFMTV SURVEY. 6 out of 10 French people think that Macron was right to dissolve the National Assembly
BFMTV SURVEY. 6 out of 10 French people think that Macron was right to dissolve the National Assembly

58% of French people questioned as part of an Elabe survey for BFMTV and La Tribune Dimanche believe that the dissolution decided by the President of the Republic is a good decision.

It was a presidential choice that took French political life into the unknown. The dissolution of the National Assembly announced by Emmanuel Macron on Sunday June 9 in reaction to the victory of the National Rally in the European elections is mostly supported by the French, according to an Elabe poll for BFMTV and La Tribune Dimanche published this Saturday June 15.

Nearly six out of 10 French people (58%) believe that the President of the Republic made a good decision, and four out of 10 French people (41%) disapprove of it.

RN and Macronist voters very supportive

Voters from the RN and/or who voted for Jordan Bardella’s list in the European elections are the most enthusiastic about the dissolution, at 75%, followed by those from Renaissance and/or who voted for Valérie Hayer’s list during the last election.

Left-wing and Republican voters are more skeptical: between 55% and 59% of those who voted for the lists led by Manon Aubry (LFI), Raphaël Glucksmann (PS-PP), Marie Toussaint (EELV) and François-Xavier Bellamy welcomes the dissolution of the National Assembly.

Sample of 1,502 people representative of residents of mainland France aged 18 and over. The representativeness of the sample was ensured according to the quota method applied to the following variables: sex, age, profession, region and category of agglomeration.

Questionnaires administered via the Internet from June 11 to 12, 2024, mainly before Emmanuel Macron’s press conference on Wednesday June 12.

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