“I don’t want my children to grow up in the world that Bardella promises us”: why they are demonstrating against the far-right in Nice

“I don’t want my children to grow up in the world that Bardella promises us”: why they are demonstrating against the far-right in Nice
“I don’t want my children to grow up in the world that Bardella promises us”: why they are demonstrating against the far-right in Nice

“The National Rally will not respond to the social evolution of our country”. CGT chasuble on her back, Delphine Bourgeois hits the streets of Place Masséna this Saturday, June 15. A union delegate in the associative sector, she is mobilizing in Nice as part of the national appeal launched by several unions.

“A democratic burst”: this is what the demonstrators gathered to protest against the rise of the far-right and its possible victory in the early legislative elections are hoping for – according to the polls, which credit the flame party with 31% of voting intentions.

Just behind: the famous New Popular Front with 29.5%. Their local representatives are obviously part of the procession, including Guillaume Boileau, substitute for Nicole Mazzella in the 6th constituency for La France Insoumise: “We must stand together against Macronie and the values ​​of the extreme right which will lead to the ruin of the State.”

“The worst possible response to climate challenges”

With lots of signs saying “No pasaran” or “Down with the summer of hatred”, the thousands of people mobilized want to make their voices heard. Like Dominique, a citizen, who speaks out against the RN which she considers to be “the worst possible response to climate challenges”: “I don’t want my children to grow up in the world that Bardella and others promise us.”

A dark future, this is what the associations present perceive. Like the LGBTQIA+ Côte d’Azur Center. “We are suffering violent and incessant attacks from the far-right who have stigmatized us for a long time”summarizes Mireille Franzini, member of the office who supports the risk of a decline in rights both for the LGBTQIA+ public and “for women” if the majority took navy blue colors.

“Old age pisses off the FN!

In the crowd, retirees, families, young people too. The slogan is shouted on Avenue Jean-Medecin: “The youth piss off the National Front!“The applause bursts forth, the cheers break out. In front of Crédit Lyonnais, a message remains traced on the ground in chalk: “Old age pisses off the FN!“. An elderly political activist smiles at: “Well yes, why would there only be young people?”

In people’s minds, the elections of June 30 and July 7. Beyond the color of vote, it is above all the risk of a low participation rate which is worrying at the start of the school holidays. “If we don’t wake up now it will be too late, too serious”slips a student who hopes to convince those around her not to “play the game of abstention”.



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