Tragic rise in migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

Tragic rise in migrant deaths in the Mediterranean
Tragic rise in migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

In the first five months of this year, 5,054 migrants died trying to cross the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean to reach Spain. This poignant figure comes from a report published by the Spanish NGO Caminando Fronteras.

According to this report, covering the period from January to May, 5,504 deaths were recorded, or almost 33 per day or one every 45 minutes. The majority of victims perished during the perilous crossing between the west coast of Africa and the Canary Islands, with this route alone accounting for 4,808 deaths.

For other migratory routes, 175 deaths were recorded between Algeria and the Balearic Islands as well as the east coast of Spain, 47 in the Alboran Sea and 24 in the Strait of Gibraltar. The NGO Walking Borders has highlighted the need for urgent interventions to protect migrants and ensure respectful treatment of the missing and their families.

With a total of 5,504 deaths at sea for all migratory routes, 2024 could unfortunately surpass the record of 6,007 deaths recorded the previous year, in 2023. The Canary route stands out for its extreme danger, with many precarious boats having disappeared after leaving the Senegalese and Mauritanian coasts.

Walking Borders also mentions a tragic incident in April where nine bodies were found in a boat stranded on the northern coast of Brazil, illustrating the dangers migrants face during these crossings.

Departures from points in Senegal and Mauritania, as well as other surrounding coasts, led to widespread loss of life, whether in the Atlantic or the Mediterranean. Although winter has traditionally seen a drop in departures, recent months have shown a continuity of crossings despite extreme weather conditions.

The report criticizes delays in deploying rescue resources and failures in coordination between EU member states. He points out that the authorities seem to prioritize controlling migration rather than preserving migrants’ fundamental right to life.



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