INFO TF1/LCI – Emmanuel Macron: “Cohabitation in the worst case scenario” rather than Marine Le Pen at the Élysée in 2027

INFO TF1/LCI – Emmanuel Macron: “Cohabitation in the worst case scenario” rather than Marine Le Pen at the Élysée in 2027
INFO TF1/LCI – Emmanuel Macron: “Cohabitation in the worst case scenario” rather than Marine Le Pen at the Élysée in 2027

According to our information, Emmanuel Macron assured privately that he preferred “cohabitation in the worst case scenario” rather than seeing Marine Le Pen become President of the Republic.

Comments made on Sunday in front of several executives of the majority, which the Élysée insisted on denying to TF1/LCI, assuring that this is “not its state of mind”.

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2024 legislative elections

Cohabit rather than see the RN at the top of the State. While his majority is engaged in an uncertain battle ahead of the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, the head of state has considered the possibility of defeat and the consequences he should draw from it.

According to our information, the head of state assured privately that he “prefers cohabitation […] in the worst case”rather than “the dynamic that leads Marine Le Pen to the Élysée”. Comments which were reported by several corroborating sources to the political department of TF1/LCI.

“That’s not his state of mind.”

The argument was made by Emmanuel Macron on Sunday evening in front of several executives from his majority summoned to the Élysée shortly before 8 p.m. Around the table in particular: Gabriel Attal, Gérald Darmanin, Stéphane Séjourné, Rachida Dati, Bruno Le Maire, Yaël Braun-Pivet, the boss of the UDI Hervé Marseille or even that of the Radical Party, Laurent Hénart.

Questioned about these reported comments, the Élysée insisted on denying it to TF1/LCI. “That’s not his state of mind.”, assures a member of his entourage. The objective remains “to increase its majority or form a coalition”. Questioned by TF1/LCI on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy this Friday evening, Emmanuel Macron did not confirm these statements. “I have always been clear. I answer enough questions to avoid having a ventriloquist”replied the head of state. “We have to talk about the substance. We are at a very serious moment in the life of the country.”

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    Absolute or relative majority, “regime crisis” or cohabitation… The scenarios for early legislative elections

Emmanuel Macron assured Thursday that he would stay, whatever happens, at the Élysée until the end of his mandate, and that he would therefore not resign in the event of defeat in the legislative elections.

Last Sunday, after the European elections, the President of the Republic convened his inner circle at the Élysée on Sunday around 7:15 p.m. to announce his desire, until then kept secret, to dissolve the National Assembly. After a short wait on the terrace and having taken a tour of the first reports of the European elections with the Minister of the Interior, the president announced his decision to his guests. “His decision was already made, we immediately felt that it was impossible to change his mind”says a participant in the meeting.

Around the Head of State, no one dared to oppose it head-on during this meeting. Only the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, requested a tête-à-tête with the Head of State, invoking the Constitution, which requires consulting her in the same way as the President of the Senate. The Prime Minister had expressed his disapproval during an interview a few minutes earlier – in vain.




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