For Beijing, the G7 “leaves the world with nothing but disappointments”

For Beijing, the G7 “leaves the world with nothing but disappointments”
For Beijing, the G7 “leaves the world with nothing but disappointments”

With the United States, the world’s leading power, in its sights, the editorial of the Beijing newspaper Huanqiu Shibao starts by noting the “disagreements” between the members of the G7 meeting in Italy, from June 13 to 15.

To illustrate these disagreements, the daily notes two examples. The desire of the United States to use the 300 billion euros of frozen assets of the Russian Central Bank (around 3 billion in interest per year), as guarantee for a loan intended to help Ukraine, which has “triggered anger” within the European Union. Regarding matters related to China, “the differences are even more obvious”, judges the editorial.

According to the latter, Washington is trying to warn small Chinese banks which “help Russia” and also tries to form a common front with European countries to face the “overcapacity” from China. However, “some European countries have very close trade relations with China” And “do not want to wage a trade war with Beijing”.

A summit “led by the American program”

This is a pure calculation by Washington, denounces the editorial, which considers that the United States not only intends to maximize its own interests, but also wants other G7 countries to take risks and “sacrifice their national interests” to cooperate with them. A positioning that arouses “frustration and anger” of Europe vis-à-vis the “contempt” of their American ally, underlines Huanqiu Shibao.

In recent years, to prove its “existence” and his “cohesion”, the G7 continues to “speculate” on the question of China, castigates the author, mocking the frequency of the word “China” mentioned “20 times” in last year’s joint communiqué. According to the Chinese newspaper, the G7 is now “likely to become a ‘1 + 6’ led by the US agenda to contain China”.

And to affirm that as “club of rich countries” the G7 should have done more for other countries, “but left the world with nothing but disappointment”. However, if the G7 countries “redirected less than 3% of their annual military spending”, they could help solve the problem of world hunger and the debt crisis of poor countries. But, according to the title, the G7’s contribution to the world is “zero, even negative”, because the countries of this club “continue to export conflicts, confrontations and risks”.



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