A day of sport and culture for children from Cauvaldor leisure centers – Medialot

Great initiative.

Since 2017 Cauvaldor has been organizing a project bringing together all of the region’s leisure centers around a common subject. The 2024 edition combines sport and culture. It allows children to explore the themes of sport and the history of the Olympic Games in a fun way.

> A day of sport and culture: 144 heads and 288 legs in action!

The first of the two meetings planned for 2024 took place on June 5. It brought together at the Martel sports complex 144 children from the 12 leisure centers without accommodation* (*ALSH) in the area for sports and cultural activities. Under a beautiful spring sun, children aged 6 to 11 took part in various challenges combining the two themes. This non-competitive event encouraged meeting, exchange and sharing. Each ALSH had created a totem from recycled objects. Their creation was offered to the other ALSH during a draw carried out by the children. So, all participants were winners! The Sports Trunks set up by Cauvaldor were also available to children so that they could discover new sports games.

> “Sporty attitude” for this fall!

The next meeting is scheduled for the fall holidays. Workshops, activities, shows will be offered as part of the Résurgence “Sportive attitude” festival. Another way to introduce children to sport. Registrations are made at leisure receptions.

This project is 80% supported by CAF and MSA, the rest being financed by Cauvaldor.

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