Ivory Coast: Floods in Abidjan, here are the municipalities most affected

Ivory Coast: Floods in Abidjan, here are the municipalities most affected
Ivory Coast: Floods in Abidjan, here are the municipalities most affected
© Koaci.com – Friday June 14, 2024 – 10:30

Rescue operation (Ph KOACI)

The torrential rains which fell on the Abidjan district on Thursday June 13, 2024 caused significant rises in water levels and landslides in several municipalities. The Military Firefighters Group (GSPM) quickly deployed its Flood system to rescue the victims and bring them to safety.

The municipalities ofAdjame, BingervilleCocody, Yopougon and Abobo were the most affected by these bad weather. Firefighters worked tirelessly throughout the night to respond to distress calls and intervene in the most affected areas. The report communicated this morning at 8 a.m. by the GSPM reports 24 rain-related interventions. Rescue teams treated a total of 227 victims. Among them, 205 were brought to safety, 17 were evacuated to hospitals to receive medical care, and unfortunately, 5 people lost their lives.

The rescue operations mobilized a large number of human and material resources. Crews used boats, fire trucks and other specialized equipment to navigate flooded areas and reach people in danger. HAS Adjame, several neighborhoods were submerged by water, forcing residents to take refuge on the roofs of houses. Firefighters had to brave strong currents to evacuate residents, some of whom had been trapped for several hours.

HAS Bingerville, landslides damaged homes, requiring delicate interventions to extract victims from the rubble. Rescuers showed courage and determination to reach those buried, sometimes at the risk of their own safety. THE GSPM has activated its Flood plan, a system rigorously prepared to deal with this type of disaster. This plan includes coordinating with other emergency services, establishing temporary command centers and mobilizing additional resources when needed.

The floods of June 13, 2024 are a reminder of the importance of preparation and reactivity in the face of natural disasters. Rescue operations continue today and authorities continue to monitor the situation closely, ready to intervene if necessary.

Jean Chresus, Abidjan



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