The festival committee of this Haute-Loire commune is organizing a raffle with… a C15 to be won!

Star of social networks for several months, the emblematic Citroën C15, at 40 years old, is enjoying a second lease of life thanks to numerous enthusiasts. Wishing to ride this wave to attract people, the Saint-Martin-de-Fugères festival committee is offering to win one of these vehicles during its votive festival this summer.

Although it is much less present on the roads of Haute-Loire in recent years, the Citroën C15 still enjoys a certain reputation.

Robust and reliable, the utility vehicle from the herringbone brand is once again in the spotlight thanks to enthusiasts who do not hesitate to showcase it on social networks. After conquering Tik Tok, Facebook or Instagram, with the account La Sotizerie or the influencer Flooz-Flooz la Fripouille, the lord’s C15 has captured the hearts of young Riton, Cindy and Kevin.

So much so that the Saint-Martin-de-Fugères festival committee is offering to win one during the votive festival which will take place from August 16 to 18. The decision was taken following “numerous meetings and more or less feasible proposals”. The festival committee ended up purchasing the utility less than a month ago.

A game reserved for adults

Mathilde Pons, secretary of the committee, still laughs about it. “A few boys are fans of C15. It started as a joke, which became reality today. » The precious car from the north-east of Ardèche has “107,000 kilometers on the clock. We’re going to restore it so we can win something decent in the raffle.” The latter will be reserved only for people over 18 years old. A change to take into account for fashion organizers. “We still have a lot of details to finalize. We are thinking of starting with 1,000 tickets on sale at a price of 5 euros,” explains Mathilde Pons.

For the occasion, the sealed municipal ballot box, usually reserved for elections, will receive the participation slips which can only be purchased on site, during the three days of celebration. The counting will take place on Sunday evening. “We hope to bring a few people back thanks to our raffle and, why not, earn a little money for our committee,” concludes Mathilde Pons.

The future owner of the C15 will nevertheless have to wait a few days after the announcement of the result to slip behind the wheel of this emblematic Citroën vehicle, whose production spanned from 1984 to 2006.

Pierrick Lescop



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