“Magnificent news”, for one of his lawyers

“Magnificent news”, for one of his lawyers
“Magnificent news”, for one of his lawyers

Thursday June 13, 2024 early in the morning, Louis Arnaud, a 36-year-old Frenchman detained in Iran since September 28, 2022, set foot on French soil, the day after his release. He was welcomed by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, before reuniting with his family.

Since the start of 2024, three lawyers have been mandated by his family, as well as those of the three other French hostages in Iran: Thierry Moser, Martin Pradel and Karine Rivoallan. The latter, a lawyer at the Saint-Brieuc bar (Côtes-d’Armor), reacted to this release with West France.

“This is wonderful news. We are very happy. We were informed by Sylvie Arnaud, Louis’ mother, on Wednesday evening. We have no further information on the conditions of his release. »

Read also: “I will stop when they are freed”: this Breton fights for French hostages in Iran

“His return is a wonderful moment”

Me Karine Rivoallan, at the Saint-Brieuc courthouse. | VINCENT MICHEL / WEST-FRANCE
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Me Karine Rivoallan, at the Saint-Brieuc courthouse. | VINCENT MICHEL / WEST-FRANCE

Happy and moved by this outcome, Me Rivoallan does not forget the three other French people still detained in Iran. “We continue the fight for Cécile Kohler, her companion Jacques Paris and Olivier [sa famille ne souhaite pas divulguer son nom de famille, N.D.L.R.]. Louis Arnaud’s mother also immediately thought of them in the first message she sent us. »

In this message, Sylvie Arnaud wrote: “We have been waiting for our son to return for almost 21 months, a wait that should never have existed. His return is a wonderful moment. […] Our thoughts are with those who are still awaiting the return of their loved ones and we will remain by their side until they can experience this same happiness. »

No news from Cécile Kohler for two months

The release of Louis Arnaud reinforces, if necessary, Me Karine Rivoallan’s conviction of the usefulness of mobilization around the hostages. “Mobilization pays off. The French authorities are working very efficiently, but the mobilization of families, committed citizens and the media has, in any case, accelerated the process. I am convinced that the messages relayed by the media are heard by the French State and the Iranian State, and reach the ears of the hostages, who know they are supported in their country. »

The Breton lawyer therefore remains mobilized. And sends this message about the other hostages still held in Iran: “We demand their release and, in the meantime, the improvement of their conditions of detention. We have not heard from Cécile Kohler for two months and Jacques Paris celebrated his 70th birthday in detention in Iran. »



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