The 6 vegetables that you absolutely must plant in the vegetable garden in June –

Ah, the month of June! The days are getting longer, the temperatures are slowly rising, and the garden is just waiting for you to welcome new companions. If you haven’t yet filled your vegetable garden, don’t worry, there is still time to plant some vegetables to enjoy great harvests throughout the summer. Here are six vegetables that I wholeheartedly recommend you plant right now.

1. Zucchini

Ah, zucchini! They are like generous friends, ready to give in abundance. Plant them in the ground, in a sunny location. They like to spread out, so give them room.

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Water them regularly to prevent the fruits from becoming bitter. With a little attention, you’ll have zucchini in abundance in less than two months.

2. Green beans

Green beans are true champions of rapid growth. Whether dwarf or rowing, they only need well-drained soil and plenty of sun.

Dwarf beans grow quickly and are generally harvested in 50 to 60 days, while pole beans merrily climb their supports and take a little longer.

3. The beets

Beets are easy to grow and delicious to enjoy. Sow them directly in the ground in June, and they will grow quickly in light, well-drained soil.

The leaves can be harvested young for salads, while the roots will be ready in 50 to 70 days. Don’t forget to water them regularly to keep them tender and tasty.

4. Carrots

Carrots are always a good choice, even in June. They prefer loose, sandy soil to grow well. Sow the seeds directly in the ground and thin them out to give them space.

Carrots usually take 60-80 days to mature, but they’re worth it, trust me!

5. Summer Spinach

Summer spinach, like ‘New Zealand’ or ‘Malabar’, is perfect for this period. Plant them in rich soil and keep them well watered.

These varieties tolerate heat well and produce tender, flavorful leaves throughout the summer. Nothing like baby spinach for your summer salads.

6. Cucumbers

Cucumbers love heat and grow quickly, making them perfect for planting in June. They like soils rich in compost and exposure to full sun.

Water them regularly and harvest the fruits when they are still young and crisp for the best flavor.

Additional Tips for June Plantings

  • Soil preparation: Remember to enrich your soil with compost or well-rotted manure before planting. This provides the nutrients needed for vigorous growth.
  • Watering: Make sure to water regularly, especially during dry periods, to maintain healthy growth… even if at the moment we have more of an excess of water.
  • Mulching: Use mulch to conserve soil moisture and reduce competition from weeds.
  • Protection against pests: Monitor your plants for signs of pests and intervene quickly with organic control methods if necessary.

By planting these vegetables in June, you ensure good harvests throughout the summer and even into early fall. Gardening is a deeply rewarding activity that allows you to enjoy fresh, healthy produce while enjoying the beauty and tranquility of your garden.

So, put on your gardening gloves, prepare your tools, and dig your hands into the dirt with enthusiasm. Your vegetable garden will return it to you a hundredfold! Happy gardening, my dear gardening friends!



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