Summary of Leisure Day: Sunday April 7, 2024

Summary of Leisure Day: Sunday April 7, 2024
Summary of Leisure Day: Sunday April 7, 2024

Leisure Day officially marks the start of the season for the region’s leisure structures. This special day is designed to attract visitors and facilitate access to recreation for area families. It plays an important role in increasing the visibility of leisure structures and promoting their establishments.

Impact of the Event

The initiative was largely well received by the 34 participating Morbihan sites. The regional scope of the event (more than 100 sites) covering the four departments of Brittany was a key success factor. The use of various communication channels made it possible to reach a wider audience, extending the notoriety of leisure structures beyond their usual territories.

Importance and Benefits

– Increased Visibility: The event contributed significantly to the promotion of leisure structures.

– Ease of Implementation: The organization of the day proved simple and effective with an attractive offer: one entry purchased = one entry free.

– Wide Dissemination: Thanks to the various communication channels used, the event benefited from extensive media coverage.

Feedback from Participants and the Public

The event received extremely positive feedback, with 100% of structures expressing the desire to repeat the operation in 2025. The Leisure Day was a success, with enthusiastic participation from leisure structures and a positive reception from the public. The suggestions for improvement offer interesting avenues to make the event even more attractive in the future.



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