a 16-year-old boy before the judges

a 16-year-old boy before the judges
a 16-year-old boy before the judges

From this Tuesday, and for two days, Hugo* will have to speak before the children’s court in Epinal (Vosges) and explain in particular what led him to commit the irreparable thing on little Rose-Izabela on the 25th. April 2023.

That day, while playing in the park opposite the family home, the 5-year-old little girl had the misfortune of following Hugo, 15, through the streets of Rambervillers (Vosges), until her apartment located 300 meters away. The child let herself be convinced by this teenager with a disturbing profile who suggested she see a cat.

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He had been looking for prey for several days

But once in the apartment, little Rose-Izabela was confronted with the morbid intentions of this young boy who, for several days, had obviously been looking for prey. The latter allegedly undressed the child before putting adhesive tape over her mouth to prevent her from screaming. He then allegedly grabbed her and placed her in a bathtub partially filled with water to drown her.

Then, the teenager decided to put the child’s naked body in a black plastic bag before calling the municipal police to tell them that he had just found the little girl in the said bag placed in his apartment. These explanations naturally fell on deaf ears to the police, who ended up collecting Hugo’s confession quite quickly.

Statements that varied

Now, Rose-Izabela’s parents are waiting for answers from their daughter’s alleged tormentor. But nothing is less certain since his statements varied enormously during his hearings: one day, he spoke of revenge because the child allegedly insulted him the day before the events; then he claimed that he had attacked the little girl because she was of foreign origin; he also said that he did not want to kill her, but to scare her so that she would no longer follow strangers.

Where is the truth in all this? Mystery. The parents, in any case, hope to clarify some gray areas… For these facts, Hugo faces twenty years of criminal imprisonment.

*The first name has been changed.



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