what is “the republican field” evoked by the macronie?

what is “the republican field” evoked by the macronie?
what is “the republican field” evoked by the macronie?

Strategy, strategy, strategy. After Emmanuel Macron’s surprise decision to dissolve the National Assembly, the first voting instructions are emerging within the macronie.

Thus, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, announced that he will “give the investiture” to outgoing deputies, including opposition ones, “part of the republican field” and wishing to “invest in a clear project” around the presidential majority.

“The President of the Republic will speak on what he considers to be fair for the country in the coming days,” he said. What is the “republican field”, mentioned by Stéphane Séjourné? Are the National Rally and France Insoumise considered to be inside or outside this republican field?

What about the RN and LFI?

In an interview with Humanity, Emmanuel Macron assured “that he never considered that the RN or Reconquest were part of the republican arc”.

However, Gabriel Attal declared, on February 9, in the columns of World : “Some said that we should only work with the republican arc. I consider that the republican arc is the hemicycle”. The head of government had marked a break with Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne who classified the National Rally and La France insoumise as outside it.

What hypotheses?

How to analyze this situation? “It is the beginning of a desire or an attempt at a form of national union in the face of the National Rally,” explains Olivier Bost, head of RTL’s political department.

“We can very well have Emmanuel Macron saying: ‘I want to find clarity, I want a clear majority, I want to find serenity and harmony’. With the serenity, we can clearly see that he is referring, in particular to the atmosphere in the National Assembly“, he explains.

Another possible hypothesis: “In the end, Emmanuel Macron may still not have a majority. And the RN may also have an absolute majority. VSThis means that it is still not possible to govern. So, we might as well have a form of national union, that is to say with candidates who, in fact, would all belong somewhere to the same majority against the National Rally, which can, afterwards, open up perspectives for governing.

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