Émilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) reveals what is the “craziest” gift he won in the TF1 game

Émilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) reveals what is the “craziest” gift he won in the TF1 game
Émilien (Les 12 Coups de midi) reveals what is the “craziest” gift he won in the TF1 game

Greatest champion of 12 Midday shots and TV games in France, Émilien was on France 5 this Saturday June 8. In the show C the weekly presented by Aurélie Casse, the master of midday revealed what is the craziest gift he has received since the start of his participation in the TF1 game.

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While she received the noon master Émilien on the set of C the weekly on France 5, this Saturday June 8, Aurélie Casse made the list of the craziest gifts that the candidate won in the 12 Coups de midi on TF1. “You won a coffee maker, a toaster, nine cars, six trips, a parachute jump, video game consoles, 35 kilos of candy”, listed the presenter. Before asking him which of these gifts is “the most crazy”. “Actually, it depends on how you understand the word crazy. 35 kilos of candy is really crazy”replied the 21-year-old young man. “Beware of cavities”we could then hear on the set. “It’s going to cost him a lot later as a dentist.”quipped Natacha Polony.

More than a million euros in winnings 12 Midday shots: Émilien still doesn’t realize

On June 3, Émilien became the “greatest champion of TV games”a formula which served as the title of the interview he gave to C the weekly. “As I never set this goal for myselfit didn’t do much for me… I think my family was happier than me!”Emilien recently confided in an interview with Tele-Leisure. “I grew up all my childhood with The 12 Coups de midi. The only thing that drives me is to stay in the game.”, continued the one who won more than a million euros in winnings in eight months of participation in the game presented by Jean-Luc Reichmann. This is the equivalent of a monthly salary of 138,000 euros, according to the calculations of Aurélie Casse who received the candidate this Saturday June 8 on France 5.

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Émilien, millionaire at 21 thanks to 12 strokes of noon: “Completely crazy”

According to Jean-Luc Reichmann, “Émilien doesn’t really care” of the levels he has reached in the rankings. “He never calculates anything. He’s a boy motivated by the desire to play and learn things he doesn’t know”confided to Tele-Leisure the host of the TF1 game, who had “didn’t see it coming” Émilien and did not imagine that he would go so far. The two men are on the cover of our magazine on newsstands this Monday, June 10. Being a millionaire at 21 is not what drives Émilien. “This amount is completely crazy, but I don’t fully realize it yet. I am mainly stimulated by the pleasure of playing”he confided to Tele-Leisure.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias



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