“Our sovereignty can only be immediate, full and complete and non-negotiable”, launches Daniel Goa at the opening of the CODIR of the Caledonian Union

“Our sovereignty can only be immediate, full and complete and non-negotiable”, launches Daniel Goa at the opening of the CODIR of the Caledonian Union
“Our sovereignty can only be immediate, full and complete and non-negotiable”, launches Daniel Goa at the opening of the CODIR of the Caledonian Union

While the Caledonian Union met as a steering committee this Saturday, June 8 in Canala, its president Daniel Goa castigated the central government and set several prerequisites for a resumption of discussions, during his opening speech. He spoke of a “non-negotiable” sovereignty that he would like to see proclaimed “on September 24”.

Like the Palika activists gathered this weekend to take stock of the crisis the territory is going through, those of the Caledonian Union gathered at a steering committee open this Saturday, June 8 in Canala. As at almost every party meeting, the event began with a speech by Daniel Goa.

A resolutely critical speech vis-à-vis the State, in continuity with previous interventions by the president of the party. Daniel Goa thus pointed out a “useless and unjust colonial conflict in which France and its president Macron, its ministers Darmanin and Lecornu bear sole responsibility”.

“We all knew, we had warned, the CCAT had communicated, drawn everyone’s attention that we should not touch a fundamental political agreement for the Kanak people and for our recognition”continued the former mayor of Hienghène, further mocking “unpreparedness” of State “in terms of means, manpower and field tactics, its intelligence failure, shortcomings in the chain of command and logistics”.

“Faced with the panic of those who hold the sovereign skills, we had the impression of being faced with a band of amateurs in disarray,” continued Daniel Goa, also categorical regarding the financing of repairs after the destruction of recent weeks. “We won’t pay anything”he said, believing that the damage was the result of “shortcomings” of the central government in the exercise “with his skills alone”.

In the second part of the speech, the president of the UC then made a statement which will certainly not fail to provoke a reaction. “France deceived us so much that our sovereignty can only be immediate, full and complete and non-negotiable”he asserted, while proposing a date “to declare it” : September 24, 2024, i.e. the 171st anniversary of France taking possession of the territory.

A sovereignty that Daniel Goa would like “irreversible, guaranteed and validated by C24”to which could be added “a transition period for the political withdrawal of the State and the timetable for the return of sovereign powers”.

Whether or not France validates this option, “It won’t change anything for us”added the party leader, affirming that a “fifty countries are ready to recognize us and support us internationally”. Steps will also be taken in the coming months with the BRICS group and non-aligned countries, according to Daniel Goa, who also mentioned the possibility for the separatists to “become more involved in the field” while excluding that it is a “threat”.

Despite this declaration of intent, the UC framework left the door ajar to discussions and set three prerequisites for this: “call new elections” For “legitimize a new political class capable of getting involved”, “establish an identity base defined by citizenship” And “change legislative districts” so as to increase the chances of electing a pro-independence deputy.

Conditions which, according to Daniel Goa, would then make it possible to establish an agreement covering three components:

  • An institutional and political part “which will take over all the achievements of the Nouméa agreement” and will bring “the immediate transfer of our sovereignty”
  • A part relating to mining
  • And a third part called “resilient economy which will stabilize the social and economic fabric”

After setting out his conditions and his vision of what an agreement would be, the independence leader concluded his speech by calling on his activists to stay “determined on the path to our sovereignty”repeating that this same sovereignty was not “more negotiable” and “only a transition period can be discussed”.

An intervention, which a few hours after the broadcast of the script, was the subject of a joint press release from the Loyalists and the Rally. “No independence will be imposed on the Caledonians who have clearly refused it three times”they write, denouncing a “extremely violent speech”.

“Daniel Goa is desperately begging for support from the C24. However, the committee […] welcomed the process of self-determination implemented by France for decades” And “recognize also the legality and legitimacy of the three referendums which recorded the refusal of independence by the Caledonians and their sovereignly expressed desire to remain French”point out the two parties.

“It was not simple citizens who destroyed the city but the militiamen of the CCAT and the UC, white-hot by irresponsible and hateful speeches like that of Mr. Goa”they continue before asserting that those responsible for the Caledonian Union must “assume the truth”.

“The only possible outcome is for all independence leaders to courageously participate in negotiations to find a political agreement, the only one capable of guaranteeing a lasting return to peace for all Caledonians”concludes the press release.



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