Rodez. Draw me some fraternity rings

Rodez. Draw me some fraternity rings
Rodez. Draw me some fraternity rings

the essential
As part of Rodez Terre de jeux, citizens formed the Olympic rings yesterday on the Place d’Armes.

Under a sun as radiant as the Olympic flame, the City of Rodez and the Évelyne agency organized “Citizen Rings” yesterday. A human fresco slowly took shape on the Place d’Armes to form the Olympic flag. Citizens of all ages, some of whom joined at the last minute, took part in this fraternal enthusiasm. “It’s a unique opportunity, I came with my son,” confided Stéphane in this sense.

Message of peace

Blue, yellow, red, green, black, the continents, the world found itself at the foot of the cathedral giving a sacred character to the spirit of the Olympic Games. The emotion was there. “It is important to convey this message of peace, especially during this period”, said a young couple. Mayor Christian Teyssèdre took part in the game by donning a green jersey, “it’s hope”, he said, on the eve of the European elections.

We even saw Bernard Ferrand, municipal councilor of Rodez, who was close to a former President (François Mitterrand) also put on a jersey. “This gathering around the values ​​of sport was a highlight after the photo competition, exhibitions, posters with the schools. We wanted to take advantage of the Ekiden to offer an event beforehand, it was a success”, concludes Olivier Nicolas, deputy for sport, not a little proud of the success of the “Citizen Rings.” And it’s not over. Meet on Tuesday, June 18 at 6 p.m., at the CGR, to witness the adventure of the Aveyron flame bearer, Christian Cabantous, with “The odyssey of the flame.” History of transmitting and remembering the virtues of sport to experience it together. A moment of joy and fraternity necessary in these times.



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