“He was everyone’s friend”: the Nogaro rugby club mourns the accidental death of Lionel Sibor

“He was everyone’s friend”: the Nogaro rugby club mourns the accidental death of Lionel Sibor
“He was everyone’s friend”: the Nogaro rugby club mourns the accidental death of Lionel Sibor

the essential
A key player in the Nogarolian Athletic Association, Lionel Sibor died suddenly in a road accident this Saturday June 8 in Magnan, at the age of 30. His club is in shock.

“He always played rugby at the Nogaro club. He was a very helpful, very kind boy, loved by everyone. It’s complicated to talk…” With tremors in his voice, Lionel Arroues struggles to hide his emotion . Stunned, the co-president of the Nogarolian Athletic Association (AAN) has not recovered from the death of Lionel Sibor, learned a few hours earlier, this Saturday June 8. “It’s a tragedy that has fallen on our heads,” he breathes.

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A 30-year-old motorist is killed after hitting a plane tree in Magnan, Gers

This drama played out once again on the roads of Gers, barely four days after the terrible accident which had already cost the life of a 54-year-old man on Tuesday in Vic-Fezensac, bringing the number of victims to 8 recorded since the beginning of the year. This time, Lionel Sibor was the only motorist involved. According to our sources, he was returning from an evening with friends in Nogaro when the unthinkable happened, around 4:15 a.m. While traveling on the D6 at the entrance to the village of Magnan and towards Houga, where he lived, the rugby player lost control of his vehicle for reasons still unknown at this stage. The car then hit the safety rail before crashing into a plane tree. The motorist died instantly. “Apart from the high speed, we do not have the precise circumstances of the accident”, we indicate to the Departmental Fire Rescue Service of Gers (SDIS 32), which hired 9 firefighters on the scene.

If the causes of the accident are still unclear and will be the subject of a gendarmerie investigation, one thing is certain: the impact was of incredible violence, the vehicle’s engine finding itself thrown several tens of meters from the point of impact. Informed by the emergency services, the mayor of Magnan Jean Duclave immediately went to the site to observe the damage and the death of Lionel Sibor. Heartbreaking. “He was a very nice and well-liked boy, whom I knew. It’s very sad,” he comments soberly. The mayor of Nogaro immediately learned the terrible news. “This morning was a cold shower. It’s been a long time since we had this kind of tragedy which distresses the whole town,” says Christian Peyret. He also speaks of a “nice boy”, “much appreciated” in his club and within the community. “He had a lot of friends. He was a jovial, kind person. He was very involved in the Nogaro rugby club.”

Employed at SICTOM Ouest du Houga, Lionel Sibor played with the AAN seniors within the first team or with the reserve. Trained at the club’s rugby school, he was praised for his human qualities. “He was a man in the locker room, on the field and off the field, appreciated by everyone. He was everyone’s friend,” summarizes Lionel Arroues. Taken away in the prime of life, at just 30 years old, the former tango winger leaves a huge void behind him. To his family, his loved ones and the Nogaro club, the editorial staff of La Dépêche du Midi sends its most sincere condolences.



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