“I thought my career was dead three years ago, today it’s incredible”

“I thought my career was dead three years ago, today it’s incredible”
“I thought my career was dead three years ago, today it’s incredible”

(Laughs). I just want to say that as a player, I’m super proud of him. I saw his work to get us to this level. I’ve always been a good player but I want to thank him for making me a hard worker, every day. Coaches all have their own style but it has never had this effect with me. He’s a 100% serious guy. Playing against his defense will be tough but we’ll see that (laughs).

On the same subject

Stade Rochelais Basket champion of France in Pro B: our file

Between May 16 and June 6, La Rochelle played in the second national level playoffs for the first time in the 21st century. In the lead at the end of the 2023-2024 regular season, it will progress to Betclic Elite thanks to its sensational victory in this “new championship”. Relive these three weeks with “Sud Ouest”

Do you consider yourself a different player, between your arrival in 2023 and your departure in 2024?

Coach Julien makes you work hard. Do you lift dumbbells in the gym? He lifts dumbbells in the gym. He leads by example, in fact. We all wanted the same thing, it was a big year for me and, yes, I evolved greatly.

You are champion with promotion, MVP of the regular season, MVP of the final; what can we say?

I’ve never had so many trophies! Never… But you can’t do that without your teammates around. They fought for me, to put me in a position to just be myself. I have confidence in my efforts, in my game, and they made it easier for me.

Describe to us this collective feeling at the end of the match on the floor…

I saw things I hadn’t seen. We’ve been together since August… It’s indescribable. Like I said I hadn’t won anything since high school six years ago; It’s my second season as a professional, it’s unbelievable. I moved away from my children, my family, 10-11 months ago now… I thought my basketball career was dead three years ago, after an injury in the NCAA. Being rewarded is just an incredible feeling. I’m grateful to all the guys, the staff, the club, Aymeric (Jeanneau, general manager), all the people behind the curtain… When I signed, the coach asked me what I expected from him as a coach: I told him to let me be myself. I’m a competitor and he was on my back for every mistake to get the best out of me. And now we are champions… I can’t complain.

During the match, how did you feel when Vincent Amsellem equalized in the last seconds of regulation time after your missed free throw?

Oh, man… I was super angry with myself, as you can imagine (laughs)! But my partners told me there were five minutes left to do the job. Well, I missed another one in overtime… Success, failure, it’s part of the match. But it’s over and we have lifelong memories.

You will be able to reunite with your family with a free mind…



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