For a day, students from Vasconie de Miélan college dive into Antiquity

For a day, students from Vasconie de Miélan college dive into Antiquity
For a day, students from Vasconie de Miélan college dive into Antiquity

For more than a year, the Greek teacher, Alexandre Saint-Germain, has been developing a project: an ancient day at Vasconie College. This day took place on Tuesday June 4 and even concerned the canteen menu. The students were able to taste an organic cucumber tzatziki, a Greek beef youvetsi accompanied by tomato kritharaki (Greek pasta) and finally a Giaourti me meli with strawberries and Cuelas honey (Greek yogurt), all organic.

It was a great privilege for Vasconie College to receive seven members of the ACTA association, a historical entertainment and entertainment company. Marius, Damien, Romain, Chris, Tristan, Théo and Camille spent the day with all the middle school students and presented various workshops linked to Greco-Roman Antiquity: theater, clothing, school of gladiators, hoplites (foot soldiers of ancient Greece) or even harpastum (an ancient team sport) were on the program.

The 3rd grade students’ day focused on the Olympic Games: they were able to practice sporting events such as jumping, running, combat sports and throwing like their ancestors did, before competing against each other at the end. day in an interclass Olympiad. Before leaving Miélan, the speakers offered students and adults an impressive spectacle of gladiator combat in the school playground. This timeless experience delighted young and old.



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