As chief of staff of Madame Rachida Dati at the Ministry of Culture

As chief of staff of Madame Rachida Dati at the Ministry of Culture
As chief of staff of Madame Rachida Dati at the Ministry of Culture

And I am sorry to say it, a sort of bad faith that is unfortunately widespread in the journalistic-left-sectaro-reactionary environment of which you are the proud spearheads, the spearheads, the spearheads…

If we were elected to office, no offense, Mr. Baddou, Mrs. L’hour, it is to act. The vast majority of French people would not understand that we arrived in business without making our essential contribution to the necessary modernization of France.

Please know that we do this with the greatest pride but also with the most total humility, with the highest idea of ​​the general interest, knowing that we have to make vinegar if we want to leave a significant mark on the ministry before the Certified induction of Mrs. Dati into Paris town hall.

The question you are burning to ask me, Ms. L’hour, Mr. Baddou is the following: how to act?

For years, politicians of all persuasions, and I am not throwing stones at them, have tried as best they could to reform what needed to be reformed. If you wish, I would only give three glaring examples: the hospital, the school, Gérard Larcher’s cholesterol level. Reforms have been undertaken with the constant concern to improve the situation but unfortunately the results have not always been up to par: the hospital world has never been so on the verge of a nervous breakdown, the education system is experiencing a endemic tension and just yesterday evening, Gérard Larcher helped himself three times to the old-fashioned stuffed goose.

Too often, I think we have approached the problem backwards. This is why we decided to prioritize what was going well in France. The method is more reasonable, it is more judicious, it is more rational because the list of sectors of activity which are doing well in our country is significantly shorter than that of sectors which are in great difficulty.

This is why, studying the results of Radio France, in particular those of France Inter, confirming its position as the leading radio station in France with cumulative audience shares never before achieved, a number of listeners in constant progression, we seemed essential to tackle its functioning in order to bring it together in a large center covering all sectors of radio and television. A vast architecture for a page to write. An ambitious framework for a still immaculate sheet of paper. An eminent structure for a work that remains to be imagined.

A simple thought that will only seem simplistic to ratiocinators: “Unity is strength”.

Popular wisdom, Mr. L’hour, Ms. Baddou, shows us the path to follow. In the months to come, such luminous new thoughts will light up our path: “The jug goes so bad that in the end it breaks”, “scalded cat fears cold water”, “Christmas on the balcony, Easter with firebrand.

Thank you for letting me speak.



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