Students mobilized for their college’s environment day

Students mobilized for their college’s environment day
Students mobilized for their college’s environment day

On Thursday, May 30, students from the primary schools of Mézin, Poudenas, Durance and Moncrabeau came to meet middle school students from Armand-Fallières college to participate in the environment day organized by the establishment. The “Sport, Nature, Environment” (SNE) project allows students to combine the practice of sporting activities while integrating awareness of environmental issues and a career discovery component.

“We are the only ones in France to benefit from this system and to have kept this name, explain those responsible. Our students, from 6th grade onwards, are made aware of the respect for nature through outdoor sporting activities. From the 4th, we integrate them into an environmental cycle. We introduce them to concepts relating to the environment; pollution, deforestation, respect for short circuits, how to consume and manufacture locally. “local businesses that welcome us with the students to show that we are in a territory in which there are things to do, work and initiatives…”.

To concretize the work on the environment day, the 4th and 3rd grade students each carried out a project with a theme on the environment which must be finalized by its presentation to raise awareness among the primary school students of Mézinais and their 6th grade classmates. and 5th. Over the day, each group must see twelve workshops. In total, the students prepared 24 on various themes.

Stands and games on everyday gestures

Through the stands or games, the children were able to discover that on a daily basis everyone can do something for the planet. The diversity of the projects presented, the commitment and determination of the students to raise the awareness of their classmates allowed the discovery of a stand on which the students realized and explained the impacts of humans on the planet, but also the solutions possible to preserve nature and our living environment. A group of girls compiled a list of the biggest cosmetics brands that tested on animals and those that did not in order to raise awareness and encourage their young audience to adopt thoughtful use of beauty products. Another stand, on the theme of forest management, explained with the help of a model created by them the importance of the forest in the world, providing details on the growth of trees, their cutting, everything that we recover from it as well as his interest in animals. The most sporty among them were able to learn through concrete actions how to make the link between sport and ecology by exploring nature (mountain biking, orienteering), by building an electric car, etc.

Environment Day demonstrated the success of the educational objectives for the transmission of eco-citizen values. The attitude of the students we met demonstrates that they are active and aware of their abilities to act and choose to be responsible and active citizens tomorrow.



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