a police officer would have filmed “kitsoz”…

a police officer would have filmed “kitsoz”…
a police officer would have filmed “kitsoz”…

True to her promises, Missie Moustass posted five other soundtracks, this time around the death of Soopramanien Kistnen. And this, despite the adverse conditions for him. As a reminder, at the time of going online, around 6 a.m., restrictions on access to social networks were still in place…

Before the blockage was lifted, the soundtracks already had more than 30,000 plays and views each. It’s the last conversation that catches the attention. It takes place between Pravind Jugnauth – the latter having confirmed to journalists yesterday that it is indeed his voice – and another voice attributed to DCP Heman Jangi. The latter, in a conversation of about two minutes, sends «yes sir» or simply «sir» on… 17 occasions.

During the conversation, Pravind Jugnauth informs his interlocutor that he sent him the name of an assistant police superintendent who was stationed in St.-Pierre at the time of Soopramanien Kistnen’s death. The voice attributed to the DCP even says that «I have a good one». Pravind Jugnauth then explains to him that, according to his unconfirmed information, the ASP in question “know something about Kaya’s death” and, faced with the confusion of the person on the other end of the line, clarifies that he is talking about Soopramanien Kistnen. Pravind Jugnauth further adds that the ASP would have material information on this affair and that he thinks that this police officer “filmed something too”reason why you have to approach him. Who is this ASP? What material information does it hold and what video is this voice talking about? Is this evidence, or at least a major piece of the puzzle that could help trace the MSM agent’s killers? So many questions that remain asked.

In other videos, we hear a conversation between Pravind Jugnauth and a person whose identity has not been established. The unattributed voice explains that things went wrong because the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) amended the “specifications”. And that“previously, he gave it on Section 110. Now, he has given it on Section 111, where the DPP has taken full control”. It appears that this conversation took place as the legal investigation was beginning. The outgoing Prime Minister, undoubtedly speaking of magistrate Vidya Mungroo-Jugurnath, believes that she should have known how to handle this matter. The other voice continues: “The DPP has changed his charge sheet … that’s a word they use, where he is allowed to go where he is not allowed to go.

Note that his ignorance of legal jargon suggests that he is not an employee of the court. The person actually explains that the DPP relied on section 111 of the District and Intermediate Court Act to conduct the judicial investigation. Pravind Jugnauth also makes a major confession: “How much can I interfere with it…”

In the first soundtrack, always the same voices. The subject of the conversation, this time, relates to the summoning of witnesses during the judicial investigation into the murder of Soopramanien Kitsnen before the Moka court. Pravind Jugnauth explains that, according to the law, it is the magistrate who has the last word when it comes to summoning witnesses, and not the DPP and even less the lawyers. “The DPP cannot force the court”he castigates, adding that the seniors he contacted on this matter told him that the magistrate is going off the rails. “If he is allowed to do so, he will be part of the plot.”

According to Pravind Jugnauth, it was the lawyers and the representative of the DPP who directed the work, and that he cannot allow this situation to persist, that he will not be able to “remain without reactions” and things will become “more serious” because there will be certain things he will have to do too. And he specifies that we must ensure that the work is concluded so that the police can investigate afterwards, adding that if Soopramanien Kistnen was killed, he also wants to know what happened…

Phrases also caught attention in the other soundtracks. Notably the conversation between a voice attributed to attorney Shamila Sonah-Ori and another to Ken Arian. The lawyer explains that “Yogida does not want to delay his case. However, when he goes to investigate, they will file a formal charge”. Ken Arian doesn’t seem convinced. «Li pa kav get li, li bizin get the bigger picture» and says the issue will be raised with the Prime Minister. The voice attributed to the lawyer confides that she thinks that Yogida Sawmynaden’s lawyers are not «ase forceful» with him. To which the other responds: “We must tell him if he will continue like this, we must tell Raouf to send ferfout, let him demerd him and his stupidity. The voice, presumably that of Shamila Sonah Ori continues that the aim is also to «protect other people».



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