Quebec is giving itself free rein to produce more energy

Quebec is giving itself free rein to produce more energy
Quebec is giving itself free rein to produce more energy

“Superminister” Pierre Fitzgibbon tabled a voluminous bill on Thursday morning to allow the Legault government to achieve its objectives in terms of energy production.

The 56-page legislative document (New window) aims in particular to simplify the call for tenders process for Hydro-Québec so that the state-owned company can carry out its major projects, such as electricity “highways”, giga-wind projects and new hydroelectric power stations.

It also allows anyone producing electricity from a renewable Source to distribute it to a single consumer for the needs of the latter’s installations, to the extent that these installations are located on a location adjacent to the production site and that the government authorizes […] this distribution.

The bill also provides for the establishment by the minister of an integrated energy resources management plan, which will detail the directions, objectives and targets to be achieved to decarbonize the province.

It also modifies the mission of the Régie de l’énergie, which will be responsible in particular for reassessing the electricity rates of residential, commercial and industrial customers every three years rather than every five years.


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Bill 69, voluminous, extends to around fifty pages.

Photo: Radio-Canada / Sylvain Roy Roussel

Awaited for months, this bill appeared on the National Assembly’s order paper on Wednesday.

Its submission on Thursday was accompanied by the broadcast of an advertising message relayed by Minister Fitzgibbon on social networks, in which the latter explains that the approach aims to make Quebec more agile to increase clean energy production.

It’s ambitious, but we’re doing it for future generations, he pleads. We are doing it for our planet, we are doing it for a more prosperous Quebec, a greener Quebec and a prouder Quebec.

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The legislative piece, which will be numbered 69, was named “Act ensuring responsible governance of energy resources and amending various legislative provisions”.

Given the time when it was tabled, that is to say on the penultimate day of the parliamentary session, its study in committee should not begin before work resumes next fall.

More details will follow.



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