Moyvillers. Spectacular accident between two heavy goods vehicles on the RN31 (Beauvais-Compiègne axis)

Photo: Guillaume Grasset / Oise Hebdo.

L’accident occurred shortly after 4 p.m. this Wednesday, June 5. Two heavyweights are hit on the national 31 (Beauvais-Compiègne axis), without causing any injuries.

The truck would not have managed to pull over after overtaking

These two heavy goods vehicles collided at Bois de Lihus in Moyvillers. The first truck involved was traveling in the Compiègne-Beauvais direction while driving in its lane. According to a witness to the accident, he was hit by an oncoming truck. “I was driving at 70 km/h. I saw the tipper of the truck that was arriving opposite shift to the right and the other truck was pushed to the left. It made a big boom,” says Patrick Bucamp, a motorist who was following one of the heavy goods vehicles involved.

Photo: Guillaume Grasset / Oise Hebdo.
Photo: Guillaume Grasset / Oise Hebdo.

According to him, the truck which was traveling in the Beauvais-Compiègne direction was overtaking at the time of the accident and would not have managed to return to its lane.

No injuries

Fortunately, this accident caused no injuries. Both drivers were able to get out of their vehicle on their own. They were the ones who called the authorities.

The accident was spectacular but not serious.

Photo: Guillaume Grasset / Oise Hebdo.


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