Call for a day off at the Parc Impérial college in Nice

Call for a day off at the Parc Impérial college in Nice
Call for a day off at the Parc Impérial college in Nice

For seven years, teachers’ unions and parent-teacher associations have been demanding the creation of a new CPE position. To date, only one principal education advisor (CPE) supervises the 936 students at the college. He is accompanied by five and a half full-time supervisors.

No means to create a position, according to the rectorate

To demand more supervisory staff, a first demonstration took place on May 30 to college. Monday afternoon, the parent-teacher and teacher associations met the academy inspector at the rectorate. Unfortunately, he did not provide a satisfactory answer. “It’s always the same answer: lack of resources. The rectorate tells us that it cannot unblock a position” regrets Khadija Elouahabi, president of the FCPE des Alpes-Maritimes.

More than a thousand students expected at the start of the school year

The SNES-FSU, the main teaching union, believes that a single CPE cannot carry out all of its missions with so many students. “We passed from 750 to 1,000 students in six or seven years without any addition of personnel. It’s complicated for conflict management” explains William Planet, SNES representative of teaching staff at the Parc Impérial college in Nice. According to him, several other colleges in the department with the same number of students have two CPEs, like the Henri-Matisse college in Nice. Nice.

A lack of security and support

This understaffing poses several problems for associations. “This poses a security and vigilance problem, while the Vigipirate plan is still in force. There are necessarily fewer people watching the bags at the entrance” worries Khadija Elouahabi.

She also regrets that the only CPE currently in place cannot ensure her listening and mediation missions and work on orientation. “Students and parents sometimes find themselves without answers“.

The teachers’ union has already announced that it plans filter actions next week at the entrance to the college.



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