In France we don’t have oil, but we want AI

Last month, the government launched a new call for projects entitled “Accelerating the use of generative artificial intelligence in the economy”. His goal ? Support the adoption and integration of generative AI within the French economic fabric.

This call follows the call for projects “ Digital Commons for Generative Artificial Intelligence », closed on October 24, 2023, which focused on the development of technological building blocks to stimulate innovation. This AAP followed several AMIs (calls for expressions of interest) from administrations to experiment with artificial intelligence in public services, AMIs which have existed since 20218, well before the arrival of ChatGPT and the democratization of AI generative.

Led by the General Secretariat for Investment on behalf of the Prime Minister and implemented by the Ecological Transition Agency (Ademe), the National Research Agency (ANR), the Public Investment Bank (Bpifrance ) and the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, this new program focuses on the practical application and integration ofGenerative AI across all economic sectors.

The objective is to encourage actors to propose projects that take advantage of generative AI to meet specific needs focused on specific use cases, either in a vertical sector or as a cross-functional function in the company.

Particular attention, we are told, will be paid to the capacity that these projects will have to enable technological replicability, thus facilitating the sharing of solutions between different economic actors.

Solutions must integrate easily into existing tools and processes, demonstrating tangible improvement in working methods thanks to generative AI. We expected no less.

Selected projects will benefit from financial support in the form of grants and repayable advances, with an allocation favoring industrial research and experimental development. Candidates are invited to submit their application before July 2. The specifications are available on the Bpifrance website.

Projects to power the 195 French Generative AI startups

The consultancy firm Wavestone revealed in a study published at the trade fair Vivatech that the French startup ecosystem had 195 young shoots working on generative artificial intelligence, an ecosystem which already had 140 a year earlier. Startups which – like LightOn, Mistral AI, Automi, Poolside, Modjo; IACrea, X&Immersion, Seelab, Cleed AI, Yelda AI, Partoo, Jimini, Noota, Spix, Mithril Security, Sarus, etc. – are evolving in a global market for generative AI which is expected to weigh in the order of 2024 $66 billion (growing by 48.4%) and approaching 210 billion dollars in 2030.

According to Wavestone, this ecosystem is distributed as follows:
– 4 startups specializing in foundation models
– 20 startups specializing in AI use cases in design and creation
– 56 startups in performance and productivity
– 44 startups in customer relations
– 22 startups in sales and prospecting
– 27 startups in knowledge management
– 13 startups in the health sector
– 10 startups in cybersecurity


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