4th arson attack in 3 years at a Sainte-Rose business

4th arson attack in 3 years at a Sainte-Rose business
4th arson attack in 3 years at a Sainte-Rose business

The Layalina Mediterranean cuisine lounge café, located in the premises of the once infamous Bayrock Lounge, on Boulevard Curé-Labelle, was the target of an arson attack on the night of Saturday 1er June.

Let us remember from the outset that, when it was called the Bayrock Lounge, the place had been the scene of fires of criminal origin in August 2022 and January 2021, without also forgetting an armed attack in July 2022.

The Layalina was also targeted by a criminal hand last week, in the early morning of Thursday May 30, around 4:55 a.m., the entrance door having been broken and an incendiary object thrown inside, but ultimately resulting in damage minimal.

This time, 911 was alerted to the incident at 2:55 a.m., when a Molotov cocktail had just been thrown into the restaurant business.

Arriving on site at 2:59 a.m., the first of the 26 firefighters required for the intervention, i.e. 7 units from the Laval Fire Safety Service and their officers, smoke was visible on the roof and at the front door of the restaurant bar.

Firefighters then attacked the flames aggressively, successfully knocking down the fire and stopping its spread to adjacent businesses.

The firefighters took full control of this fire at 3:29 a.m.

Note that a smoke alarm was present in this commercial premises but not functional.

Due to suspicious elements observed on the scene, the firefighters transmitted this fire file to investigators from the Laval Police Department, which resulted in damage summarily estimated at $75,000 for the building and $25,000 for its contents.

This is another incident of urban violence recorded as part of a series of events of a criminal nature targeting establishments of Arab and Mediterranean origin, against which several police forces have created a concerted approach in order to combat the phenomenon.

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