Ligue 1 – Play-off – 8th day – CA-EST (1-2): THE EST so realistic

Ligue 1 – Play-off – 8th day – CA-EST (1-2): THE EST so realistic
Ligue 1 – Play-off – 8th day – CA-EST (1-2): THE EST so realistic

photo credit: © Mokhtar HMIMA

Two goals from their Brazilian duo against an ineffective CA sealed a hectic derby marked by incidents in the second half.

THAT : Farhati-Zaalouni-Taoues-Souissi-Bedoui-Khelil (Kassab)-Sghaier(Ben Yahia) –Arfaoui(Amri)-Meziani(Garreb)-Laabidi(Dhaouadi)-Eduow
EAST : Memiche-Bouchniba-Ben Hmida-Meriah-Tougai-Aholou-Tka(El Ayeb)-Chaalali-Sasse (ghacha))-Bouguerra(Ben Ali)-Rodrigues

The Tunisian derby started very strongly for the EST. Unlike the Cairo match, EST did not concede a goal, but scored through the untenable Sasse who took advantage of a huge club defensive blunder. The whole team was in front, Rodrigues pivoted and served Sasse who was all alone to start and deceive Farhati (2′). The CA was nervous, carried forward with a hasty and unbalanced pressing which helped the EST to settle the game. Without being threatening, the EST was content to manage the ball wide and wait. Opposite, the Laabidi-Eduow-Meziani trio went around in circles playing useless and tender relays. CA’s second defensive error with Souissi who stupidly collides with Taoues (a catastrophic left lane) and the ball rebounds on Sasse who serves Rodrigues who doubles the score (26′). Club reaction? A minute later, Hamdi Laabidi hit hard but on the crossbar, and then the header from the same player was saved by Meriah on the line. 39′, Sghaier serves Souissi well who header narrowly misses the goal. Two opportunities materialized for the EST, two opportunities missed by this CA taken away for no reason, that’s what made the difference in this first half. The EST did not decline the gifts of the Clubists’ fragile defense.

Another match

Back from the locker room, it was another match: the club crowd, like the Esperanto crowd on the way out, set the Radès stadium on fire with smoke bombs and the “cracking” which lit up the arena but which caused a stoppage of more than 25 minutes. Before that, Meziani missed the chance of the match in the 57′ when he appeared alone against Memiche. His shot was poorly adjusted and the goalkeeper intervened brilliantly. And then scenes of violence and the use of tear gas by the police. A large part of the public was then forced to leave the stadium miserably for the match to continue. With an empty stadium and changes aplenty, the match decreased in intensity: CA pushed but without clarity, while EST defended and tried to play counterattacks. CA’s forcing led to a penalty after a foul by El Ayeb on Amri, and Eduow converted the penalty (101′). We leave it there, the CA did not benefit from a free kick near the eighteen meters (110′), nor from a profitable position from Dhaouadi in the 114′. A technically poor match, with incidents of violence which distorted the spectacle. The EST was realistic in having optimized its opportunities unlike an excited and overly reckless CA like its coach. Victory which opens the way to the title for the EST.



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