Who is the creator of Lord of the Rings?

Who is the creator of Lord of the Rings?
Who is the creator of Lord of the Rings?

The creator of Lord of the Rings is named JRR Tolkien, JRR for John Ronald Ruel. Novelist and academic at the University of Oxford in Great Britain in the 1950s and 60s, It was while telling stories to his children at bedtime that he got the inspiration for his first novel. Bilbo, the Hobbit. Hobbits are a people of small beings who live under the hills. Intended for children, the journalist specifies that it is written in a language a little more understandable than Lord of the Rings, which succeeds it.

His memories of the trenches

Bilbo, the Hobbit , was published in the 1930s and from then on, Tolkien never stopped thinking about this universe. The idea comes to him, of a great adventure, which he takes several years to write, it is the Lord of the Rings. It starts from Bilbo’s universe, but complicates the plot and the whole thing is a little more violent because it is inspired by his own experience as a soldier during the First World War . Like many British people at that time, he was young, in his twenties. Having come to fight to defend France, he was sent to the front in the trenches and he has some pretty harsh memories. And it is a bit of these memories that he will put into this struggle of good against evil that we find in The Lord of the Rings .

If you want to know why The Lord of the Rings was not successful when it was released in France, the rest is worth listening to…

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