Gas prices, taxes, street names, CBD… What changes on June 1st

Gas prices, taxes, street names, CBD… What changes on June 1st
Gas prices, taxes, street names, CBD… What changes on June 1st

New increase in gas prices, income tax declaration, prohibited sale of CBD, end of nameless streets… Here is what changes on June 1, 2024.

Last days to declare your income

It’s the last straight line. Taxpayers in the 3rd zone, i.e. residents of departments 55 to 974/976, have until June 6 to file their income tax return online. Those belonging to zones 1 and 2 (departments 01 to 19 and 20 to 54) had to do so before May 23 and 30, respectively.

New rise in gas prices

This Saturday, June 1, “the variable part including tax increases compared to the month of May by two euros/MWh for typical cooking/hot water and heating consumers”, announced the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE).

Based on the data provided by GRDF, the CRE calculates an annual average price per MWh consumed, which includes the fixed and variable portions applied to consumers of the cooking/hot water and heating type.

Concretely, between May and June, the average benchmark price excluding tax increases by 2.3%. It goes from 75.96 euros/MWt to ​​77.62 euros/MWt.

Names given to all the streets in the country

All streets, alleys and dead ends in all municipalities in France, even those with less than 2,000 inhabitants, must have a name, under the 3EDS law adopted in 2022. To date, there are nearly 200,000 roads without names in France. 1.8 million French people will therefore change their address without leaving their home.

What are the top 50 street names in your department?

Cannabis derivatives banned for sale

Since May 24, new cannabis derivatives have been included on the list of narcotics by the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM). They will be prohibited for sale from Monday June 3.

These are the hemisynthetic cannabinoids H4-CBD and H2-CBD, resulting from the transformation of the plant’s natural substances by a chemical process, and purely synthetic cannabinoids which are affected by this ban. They are generally sold on the Internet or in CBD stores in different forms: oil, herb, resin, chewing gums, liquids for electronic cigarettes or even candies.

Second year students on internship

Companies, associations and administrations will welcome second year general and technological students for observation courses between June 17 and 28. This is a first this year. The objective of this experiment is to allow high school students “to deepen their knowledge of careers and to receive support in preparing their career choices”. In total, 560,000 students are affected. Many of them have still not found an internship.

premium Families struggle to get a second year internship: “We ended up finding it through piston”

Admission on Parcoursup

Since Thursday, May 30, higher education establishments must have sent their admission offers on Parcoursup. Nearly 945,000 candidates expressed their wishes on the platform. Those who have not received a proposal will be able, from June 11, to formulate new wishes in the training courses which still have places available.

Medical procedures made simple

Certain medical procedures will be simplified with the aim of freeing up time for general practitioners. Antibiotic prescriptions for the treatment of tonsillitis and cystitis can now be issued by pharmacists. Opticians will be able to adjust the correction of the glasses.



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