Nicolas Prévot and Louve Bihain Golden Shoes 2024

Nicolas Prévot and Louve Bihain Golden Shoes 2024
Nicolas Prévot and Louve Bihain Golden Shoes 2024

He was THE favorite for this 2024 edition of the Provincial Golden Shoe, Nicolas Prévot was rewarded this Friday evening. Enough to crown his great career. The women’s Golden Shoe goes to Louve Bihain, from Sibret.


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300 people attended this Friday evening the 35th Provincial Golden Shoe ceremonyorganized at Sassin in Bomal by L’Avenir du Luxembourg, TV Lux, the Provincial Committee and FC Bomal. A ceremony which saw triumph Nicolas Prévot (Harre-Mahnay) among the gentlemen and Louve Bihain (Sibret) for the ladies. The first city is thus rewarded for its great individual and collective season. As captain of Harre-Manhayhe led his team to the title in P1 and accession to national D3, a first in its history.

For her part, Louve Bihain won the women’s event. Second last year, the player Sibret The 18-year-old has scored 16 goals this season. There are still good years ahead for her.

The Golden Glove for Bartholomew

The title of goalkeeper of the year went to Thibaut Bartholome. The last Habaysian rampart has progressed enormously in recent months. This is evidenced by his 14 clean sheets in 30 matches this season. This Golden Glove only confirms his status. He succeeds Jeffrey Brault.

On the women’s side, the reward went to Lise Maissin by Sibret. The 17-year-old goalkeeper is the first to win this trophy two years in a row.

Ludo Leyoung coach of the year

The Manchester harvest continued with the title ofCoach of the year. The latter returned to Ludovic Lejeune, the coach of Harre-Manhay. After the title in P2, the former goalkeeper was able to lead his team to the title in P1, thus defying all predictions.

In second position, we find the strong man of Habay, Samuel Petit. Gaumais managed to lead his team to D2 at the end of this season. A historic accession for the club at this level.

Third place goes to the Libramont coach Samuel Bodetsecond in 2022. With Libramont, he will return to D3 but will also, like last year, coach his men in the Cup final soon.

Arbitration merit for Michel Etienne

The Golden Whistle gave way this year to Arbitrator Merit. This one comes down to Michel Etienne (46 years old) from Fratin. His successful career saw him referee in D2 but also serve as 4th referee in D1.

Best P2 and P3 players

A new category was inaugurated this year: that of the best P2 and P3 players, designated by the correspondents of L’Avenir du Luxembourg. The winners are: Kevin Diogo from Athus (P3A), Adel Meddah from Sainte-Cécile (P3B), Sylvain Borcy from Saint-Pierre (P3C), Nicolas Leboutte from Champlon (P3D), Gauthier Boulangé from Lierneux (P3E), Sébastien Leva d’Assenois (P2A), Esteban Thonon de Libin (P2B) and Simon Burton de Gouvy B (P2C).

Best Quotes

In terms of the average quotes from L’Avenir du Luxembourg, it was another player from Harre-Manhay who won the stake. Romain Maréchal saw his consistency rewarded thanks to his magnificent season and an average of 6.43. He is thus ahead of Adrien François d’Arlon and his teammate Nicolas Prévot.

Champions in the spotlight

All the champion clubs were also honored during this evening: Harre-Manhay (P1), Assenois (P2A), Libin (P2B), Gouvy B (P2C), Arlon B (P3A), Ethe B (P3B ), Saint-Pierre (P3C), Champlon (P3D) and Roy (P3E) for the men. For the ladies: Longlier (P1) and Marloie (P2).

Bassette and Siquet present

Note that two elite players were present for this 35th Golden Shoe ceremony. The FC Mechelen player, Norman Bassetteoriginally from Rossignol, and the stage local, Hugo Siquetfull-back at Cercle de Bruges.



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