Public transport: last day of free

Public transport: last day of free
Public transport: last day of free

This Friday, May 31, marks the last day of the 2-way ticket delivery at Hudson, Vaudreuil, Dorion, Pincourt-Terrasse-Vaudreuil and Île-Perrot stations. During the weekend, it will still be possible to board trains and buses in the La Presqu’Île sector for free.

Starting Monday, June 3, users will need to have a public transit pass to use train and bus services. Remember that free admission was put in place as a mitigation measure due to the configuration of the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge.

Although free public transportation is a thing of the past, other mitigation measures will remain in place, including enhanced train service on line 11 Vaudreuil/Hudson and the addition of more than 300 new temporary parking spaces at near the bus terminal and the Vaudreuil train station, available since mid-May.

Reduced titles

A 25% discount is now offered on the purchase of a 10-pass title, All Modes ABC.
These special tickets have been on sale for users of the La Presqu’Île sector since Monday May 27, 2024:

– In the ticket vending machines located at the Hudson, Vaudreuil, Dorion, Pincourt-Terrasse-Vaudreuil and Île-Perrot stations;

– At the exo sales and service point located at Vaudreuil station;

– At authorized retailers in the La Presqu’Île exo sector.



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