In Lannion, Saint-Brieuc and Guingamp, events to “bring regional languages ​​to life”

In Lannion, Saint-Brieuc and Guingamp, events to “bring regional languages ​​to life”
In Lannion, Saint-Brieuc and Guingamp, events to “bring regional languages ​​to life”

The collective “So that our languages ​​live” organizes, Saturday 1er June 2024, several gatherings in Côtes-d’Armor to demand a modification of the Constitution.

“Despite the vote of the Molac law in 2021, for the protection and promotion of regional languages, a restrictive interpretation of article 2 of the Constitution continues to be systematically opposed to every possible advance for our languages, and the problems are multiplying “, explains the collective.

“A systematic decline”

To make himself heard, he is planning rallies at 11 a.m. in front of the Côtes-d’Armor prefecture, in Saint-Brieuc, and the sub-prefectures of Guingamp and Lannion. “We want the law to be applied, recalls Serj Raoul, president Div Yezh, in Lannion, a parents’ association for the teaching of Breton in public schools. We will meet in front of the sub-prefecture of Lannion for the right to live in our languages, as provided for by the Molac law passed in 2021. However, we are observing a systematic decline in the use of all regional languages, both in terms of administrative as well as in terms of teaching. »

Also read. “It’s part of my identity”: every year, these Breton women run the Redadeg together

All associations representing learning in Breton will be part of this mobilization. If the number of expected participants is not yet known, the events will, in any case, have a national impact. “The importance is not the number, but it is to show our cohesion at all levels, especially since there will also be demonstrations in Alsace, the Basque Country, Occitanie and Corsica,” insists Serj Raoul.



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