It’s World Multiple Sclerosis Day

It’s World Multiple Sclerosis Day
It’s World Multiple Sclerosis Day

Today is World Multiple Sclerosis Day (MS) which takes place every year on May 30. This year, the theme is diagnosis.

The Multiple Sclerosis Association of Lanaudière indicates that one in 400 people is affected by this disease. Moreover, in Lanaudière, it is estimated that 1,200 people live with this degenerative autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. In addition, it also affects families, adding more people impacted by this disease.

Despite medical advances, the cause is still unknown. There are three times more women than men who have MS.

The most common symptom is fatigue, but there are others such as: numbness, visual disturbances, muscle weakness, cognitive problems, etc. Some of these symptoms are invisible and can be misinterpreted by those around you, which can represent a Source of friction or even conflict.

The disease progresses in flare-ups with phases of remission and there are medications to slow down the progression and reduce the symptoms, but it is still not possible to cure it.

The association indicates that the diagnosis of the disease is difficult, because there are no specific tests. The methods used are magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), evoked potentials and lumbar puncture. The diagnosis must meet very precise criteria, and can only be made once all other possible causes of the symptoms observed have been eliminated.

Improving the situation would include better training and awareness of MS among healthcare professionals, as well as new research and clinical advances in MS diagnosis.

Call for donations

For almost 40 years, the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Lanaudière has been acting by, for and with Lanaudière residents affected by MS to achieve its mission of improving their living conditions.

The only independent community organization in the region recognized and funded by the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services to support people affected by MS, ASEPL supports these people throughout their journey with the disease.

All donations received are 100% dedicated to member services and remain in the region.



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