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End of the pilot project on the use of courtesy lights for Belgian volunteer firefighters: “We feel safer”

End of the pilot project on the use of courtesy lights for Belgian volunteer firefighters: “We feel safer”
End of the pilot project on the use of courtesy lights for Belgian volunteer firefighters: “We feel safer”

He is one of 20 volunteer firefighters who took part in the pilot project to evaluate a bill introduced in the House two years ago for the use of courtesy fires by volunteer firefighters. Like his colleagues in the Oost, Campine and Luxembourg emergency zones, Nicolas Deriez, professional firefighter in Brussels and volunteer in the Walloon Brabant emergency zone, believes that using these flashing green lights placed on the dashboard of the his car when he has to go to the barracks is positive. “The time saving is not exceptional, but the visibility is incredible,” he believes. “Other road users identify our vehicle more quickly and are more willing to facilitate our passage. I felt safer.” A feeling shared by his colleague from the Oost emergency zone (East Flanders): “Everyone is calmer. This helps reduce stress.”

The green rotating beacon being tested in the province of Luxembourg

Offenses on both sides

These are also the conclusions that emerge from the study carried out over eight months by the Vias Institute, using black boxes and cameras embedded in volunteer firefighter vehicles.

If, in general, the volunteer firefighters arrived at the station slightly faster when they drove with courtesy lights, the time saving (6.46 seconds) is derisory. According to firefighters, feelings of security and visibility are more important.

“That said, we notice that other road users behave courteously, but violations of the Highway Code are also committed, both by them and by volunteer firefighters. And for the latter, with a view to avoiding problematic situations,” underlines Irena De Greef, researcher at the Vias Institute Knowledge Center.

Of the 116 interactions analyzed, 52 reactions were recorded. “Of these, 39 were correct and 13 were violations,” continues Irena De Greef.

Aware of the dangers linked to these traffic violations, firefighters ask to receive certain privileges. Such as authorization to travel on special passable sites or to cross a continuous white line.

However, many elements must be taken into account for this to be transposed into law and, therefore, into practice. Especially since other professions may ask to benefit from courtesy lights. So, what will be the criteria to determine who is entitled to it? Where and how will they be attached to the car? How to control the misuse of lights? For the Minister of Mobility Georges Gilkinet, it is therefore appropriate to continue research.



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